Preference 201 - You're Drunk And Another Boy Takes You Home (Part Three)

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Harry - you tried stumbling up to the front door, Niall brushing by you to take your hips and help you make it there, “easy girl, don’t want you falling over… now when we get inside,” he fiddled with the key in the lock, nudging the door to your flat open, “I want you to be…”

"Harrrrrrrry!" You squealed, skipping down the hallway, slipping over your own feet to stumbling. Niall ran after, cupping your mouth with warm air billowing out, hitting his scrunched palm, "H-ha… hmph…"

"Shh," Niall murmured by your ear, loosening some kind of grip to help you over to the stairs in the dark, "now, come on… I gotta get you up then I’m going…"

"M’kay," you giggled, fiddling back so he had to push you further, "oh," you turned sharply, dropped body into his arms waiting, "and I won’t tell Harry about the…" you bit your lip. 

"What? Our little kiss?" Niall teased, "good thinking, Sherlock…"

"Or maybe I will," he set you down by the landing, "it was a good kiss after all…" you spun and turned to the bedroom, to the door to open and close.

Liam - ”(Y/N), wait,” Louis struggled after you across the front lawn, dropping keys, “damnit,” he scooped to retrieve them, “(Y/N), wait up!”

"Why?" You giggled over your shoulder where the strap had fallen, sliding down but you didn’t think to sleeve it up, "I ha-have to go see my fiance…" you laughed the word down, falling onto your knees in the grass. One hand to your stomach, you bent further and threw up. 

"Ah, damn," Louis groaned, reaching you. He bundled your hair in one hand to hold it back, rubbing your back until you stopped, "hey, hey… you okay?"

"Mmm hmm," you tried smiling as he helped you up. The porch light swung on and the front door opened, "Liam!" Your face lit up, "my… my hu-husband," you slurred, "hey, you… I… I love you!"

"Husband, what?" Liam shook his head, reaching you to take hugging you. He mouthed a glower to Louis. 

"She’s all yours, mate," Louis grimaced, one step back. He darted to his car, a deep breath as he slipped in to drive, "she’s all yours…"

Louis - ”Louis? Louis?” You bounded through the house, skipping around furniture, arms swinging. You clung down the walls to meet Zayn in the hallway, leant against them, hands thrown into his pockets, “he… he’s not here…” your face fell. 

"Must’ve been a management thing then," he sighed down, smiling at you, "alright, doesn’t matter. Upstairs, now, let’s go!" He pressed hands to your waist to get you to start walking, "come on, move that butt…"

"You… you like my butt?" You threw the words back, giggling, as he helped you to the landing. He tossed on the light to your bedroom and ignored your words, fishing for a t-shirt you could throw on. 

"Here," he turned to hand you the material. You grunted, fisting your dress to try and pull it up. 

"Can you…" you groaned, "he-help me with this?" He took your hands from where they were, easing the material over your head when he did it, biting his lips to keep eyes off your underwear. 

"Like what you see?" You turned enough for him to look, "w-what? Lou’s not here…"

"Yeah, but…" Zayn groaned, dropping the t-shirt into your hands. 

"But what?" You cocked your head to one side, not taking it, "but no-nothing…"

Zayn - ”Don’t worry,” you giggled when the door swung open, “I won’t… I won’t tell Zayn that you were feeling me up…”

"I wasn’t fe…" Harry sighed, rolling his eyes to follow you in, "remind me to never go out with you again, (Y/N), you’re trouble…"

"You love it," you slapped his chest when you spun yourself, flopping limbs across the foyer. He took your wrist and tried to get you to steady, "you w-wanna stay? Play some karaoke, Hazzy?"

"Don’t call me Hazzy," he smiled, features fiddling a smirk he was against, "and no thanks, (Y/N), I should probably…" he blew out, checking his watch, "yeah, stumble home…"

"Come on, stay…" you pouted, "I’ll make it worth your while…"

"Oh, really?" He crossed his arms to watching you, "how?"

"Like…" you tossed your features, fiddling, "like this…" you yanked down the front of your strapless dress to a bare chest. 

"Jesus christ," Harry yelped, lurching forwards enough to hug you, wrapping arms to hold you to him, covering you up, "damn, (Y/N), you should not be allowed to drink… now, come on, upstairs, before you flash anyone else…"

"You’re no fun…" you groaned, pressing yourself to him but he spun you around, his eyes closed, sending you up the stairs, "maybe next time then…"

Niall - ”So…” Liam smirked after turning another car, “Niall’s good in bed, huh?”

"Oh, come on," you groaned, shifting in the seat to get comfortable, "I… I know you g-guys talk about that stuff all the time," you rammed your palms down on the dashboard, "probab-ably every day…"

"Nah," Liam shook his head to shake out smirking, "we’re too respectable for that…"

"Ah," you widened your eyes, turning over to face him, "well, that’s too bad…" you leant across the console, "because us girls…" you waggled one finger, "talk about sex all the time…"

"Yeah?" Liam shifted in his seat, knuckles tense on the steering wheel when you trickled a gaze down to his crotch. 

"Yep," you stared for a moment, "every little detail… well," you slurred up to find his ear and whisper breathily, "not so little in your case…"

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