Preference 229 - He Burns Dinner

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Harry - you closed the front door hastily, tossing your things down, “Harry, babe, I swear to God, you have no idea how happy you made me when you text me to say you were making dinner. I have literally had the worst day ever, I…” you paced the hallway, fading a smile when you inhaled the acrid smell of something burning, “Harry, is something burning?”

"Oh, hey, (Y/N), you, um… hey," he swung around the doorframe into the kitchen, blocking the way. 

You cocked an eyebrow, “Haz, is everything okay with dinner?”

"Yeah, yeah," Harry grinned nervously, wiping one hand across his forehead. A little smoke knocked past him from inside the kitchen, "it’s… it’s all cool in here, babe…"

You rolled your eyes, “I’ll get the fire blanket…”

"I love you, babe," he called after you, "and I promise, it’s only burnt on the outside!"

Liam - ”Babe, don’t come in the kitchen,” you heard his voice shake out, enough to make you stop where you were in the hallway. You shuffled your hoodie on further, “why, Li?”

"Um… I just…" he panicked, "I just need another minute with dinner…"

"Can I smell…" you had to bite down on laughing, "Li, is something burning in there?" You shook your head and stepped through to the kitchen, his body hunched over the oven door open and smoke enveloping him. He managed his body up, holding a tray of what had once been meat. 

"Um, yeah… just a little…" he mumbled, sheepishly, setting the tray down gently. 

"Babe," you smiled sadly at him, walking over to peck his cheek a little warm, "I’ll order Chinese, okay?"

Louis - you bit your lip to keep from smiling too wide when Louis pulled the chair out for you, “now, babe, I’ve been in the kitchen all day and this meal is so exclusive, it doesn’t even have a name yet…”

"It looks delicious, babe," you smiled across at him, taking his hand over the table when he sat down opposite you, "thank you for doing this."

"Anything for my girl," he winked and handed you a knife and fork. You cut a few slices of the pie open, taking it to your mouth for a bite. 

"How is it?" He bit his lip, watching you. 

"Oh, I, um…" you swallowed quickly, the base of the pie a little too burnt for you to taste, "it’s, um… wow, Lou, babe, it’s delicious…" you tried not to cringe. 

He smiled, “(Y/N)…” and took a bite himself, “babe… something you wanna tell me?” He swallowed hard with a sour face, gulping loudly. He reached for the glass of water next to his plate. You did the same when you felt like you could. 

"We can always order take out…" you offered. 

"Can’t believe you were gonna lie and say you loved it for me," he chuckled down, "you’re the best, babe."

Zayn - ”Ah, shit… no, damn, hang on… ah, no,” you dropped your book at the sound of Zayn, closing the page and tossing it aside to move into the kitchen. 

"Zayn, babe… everything okay?" You rounded in to find him fighting with flames rising up from under the frying pan on the stove. He batted it down with a tea towel before he could reach it and turn it all off. You gasped, jumping over to him. 

"Whoa… you okay?"

"Babe…" he panted, looking over to you, "yeah, everything’s cool, I just… um…" he glanced over at the frying pan and what used to be dinner, "I just totally burnt dinner, but you know, it’s all cool…"

"Oh, really?" You crossed your arms, smiling. 

"I can… cook it again?" He shrugged up tentatively. You held his waist and kissed him once before murmuring there, "leftover’s will be just fine…"

Niall - ”I can’t believe you’re cooking dinner,” you smiled into the phone, leaving work with a heavy bag slung over your shoulder, “you’re the best boyfriend, Ni…”

"You know it," you could feel him grin through the phone, "jus’ make sure you’re home soon. I don’t want it to go cold… I want it be nice and… ah, shit… whoa, fuck, hang on a second, babe…"

"Wha-" you stuttered, stopping for a second. You furrowed your brow and waited, straining your ears to listen. You heard a few sounds and Niall swearing, then something like steam hissing, "Niall, what’s going on?" You tried. 

"Just gimme one more second, babe," he managed from what sounded far away, panting a little. You stayed where you were, waiting for him to come back to the phone. The noises dropped and all you could hear was silence for a moment before Niall came back. 

"Hey, babe…" he mumbled. 


"Could you maybe pick up some food for us on the way home? I kind of maybe burnt dinner…"

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