Preference 240 - Apologising After A Fight

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Harry - you heard his knuckles rap on the bedroom door, “babe, are you awake?”

You brushed hair from your eyes, damp from tears so it ran across your skin as you nudged it, turning over under the covers, “go away…” you mumbled grumpily. 

"Babe…" his voice cracked, "can I please come in?"

"No," you moaned, diving further under the sheets. He opened the door a second later, and stepped quietly into the room. His bare feet on the carpet took him over to you. You felt the bed give way when he sat on the edge, so you turned away from him. 

"Love…" he curtailed the word, reaching out to rub your shoulder, "can I please say sorry?" He rubbed into your skin, rushing his thumb into a tight circle, "babe, please. I didn’t mean it, I didn’t mean any of it. I was angry, okay? I’d had a long day and I was tired and pissed off and I took it out on you and I shouldn’t have. I’m sorry. I’d never do anything to hurt you, I swear, I just… please, let this be enough for you to just look at me."

Liam - ”Babe,” you looked up after the word spilt out, almost childlike the way you heard it, “can we talk?” 

You shifted with your knees up to your chest and arms wrapping the limbs to hug them tightly, holding yourself with your head bent down and breath a balmy wedge in front of you, “maybe…”

"Babe," he knelt down in front of you and reached for your hands to get them out and get you to look up, "I’m really sorry, okay? I’m really, really sorry."

"You say that now," you looked up, tears left on your cheeks in jagged lines, "but what about before?"

"I was… I was an idiot, okay?" Liam stressed in front of you with pleading eyes, "I was stupid, and I shouldn’t have said what I did and I jumped to conclusions and I love you more than anything else in this world and I can’t have you mad at me… I can’t…"

Louis - ”(Y/N)…” he finally said your name out loud, turning over to face you in bed, where you were facing the other way. You hugged your arms to your chest a little more, sniffling. With one hand, you wiped your eyes, with the fight still ringing in your ears. 

"Save it, Lou," you murmured in the end, stony gaze ahead. 

"No, I…" he shuffled closer, almost spooning you, "I can’t, okay? I can’t go to sleep knowing that you’re mad at me. I need to…" he reached out for your shoulder with a warm palm, "can we please make this okay? I don’t want us to be mad at one another."

"Lou," you warned him. 

"Can you at least turn around?"

You stayed a few seconds, before you gave in, shuffling your body in a cozy huddle to roll over and meet his eyes, “Lou…” you murmured again. 

"Babe," he cupped your cheek, "I’m sorry, okay? For everything, I’m a dick and I’m an idiot and I love you, and I’m sorry."

Zayn - ”I’m sorry,” he murmured dully into the phone as soon as you picked up. His voice fell a little, quiet when you heard it. You stood up quickly, signalling to your friend that you were going to take the call, hurrying into the kitchen of her house.

"Zayn…" you sighed, running a hand through your hair. 

"Babe, please," you heard him say, "please, don’t hang up this time, okay? I love you…" he exhaled, "I love you, and I’m sorry."

"You really mean that?" You crossed your arms, leaning against the counter, "you’re really sorry?"

"Yes, babe, yes," the words came out as a stumble, and you could hear him fishing around on the other line, the jangle of his car keys, "please, can I come pick you up? Babe, I’m so damn sorry, and I just… all I’ve been doing this whole weekend is missing you."

Niall - ”Babe…” he slapped his palm against the front door, “babe, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. Please, just let me in.”

"Not until you mean it," you gritted your teeth, stepping back a little from where he was. 

"I mean it, babe," he strained his voice, and it cracked a little, "(Y/N), come on… I love you. I was in the wrong. I’m an idiot, but I love you. And I’m sorry, I am. Please, it’s… it looks like it’s gonna start raining, baby, please… princess, let me in."

"Niall," you groaned, running a hand through your hair, "I…"

"I love you…" he wrapped his palm up to the door again, "I love you, I love you, I love you. I’m so sorry, and I love you."

"Niall, stop, okay?" You bit your lip, giving in a little. 

"Not until you let me in," he heard the edge of your voice slipping, "I love you, I love you, I love you."

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