Preference 234 - Shopping For Baby Clothes

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Harry - you skimmed the aisles, tapping tiny coat racks with your fingers, eyes peering. You felt Harry’s hand slip your waist, and tug, reaching around to your baby bump, pebbling up and down, “remind me again why we’re against finding out the sex of our baby,” he smirked down to your ear, peering into the cart you were holding, full of “gender-neutral” bibs and onesies. 

"Because," you smiled, turning around to him, "I want it to be a surprise…" you poked his stomach, "and since I’m the one carrying this thing, I get to decide…"

"Fair enough," he smiled, reaching down to kiss you once before pulling back, "okay… how about these then?" He held up a pair of white socks with honeybee’s around the hem of them, folded down, "they’re cute for a boy or girl… and look at the little bee’s… it even has buzz lines…”

Liam - ”So, this is it…” he swung your hand in his as you stepped through into the store, the other guiding you by the small of your back, “babe, babe,” he poked your side, “they’ve got tiny Batman costumes, babe…” he gripped your sleeve, and you smiled as he led you over to them. 

"Li, come on," you groaned, "we’re meant to be shopping for clothes our kid can actually wear…"

"But (Y/N)…" he dropped his expression, "our baby can wear this everyday. It’s perfect…" he knelt down to your baby bump and rubbed your shirt into ruffling the material, "hey, what do you think, little one? Do you wanna dress up like Batman?"

"Liam," you rolled your eyes, laughing under your breath when you looked down at his eyes widening. 

"Hang on, babe…" he drummed closer to your swollen belly, "what’s that, baby? Yep, (Y/N)…" he looked up again, "our baby wants to dress up like Batman. He told me."

Louis - ”Grab two of these,” he dropped a handful of onesies into the trolley you were pushing, “and… some of these,” he muttered to himself, dragging things from the shelves, “a few bibs…” he swung around into the next aisle, tugging the trolley to tug you with him, “oh, socks, let’s see… we need… yep, a few of these…” he tossed a few more handfuls down. 

"Think we’re gonna need a bigger trolley," you noted, smiling up when Louis looked back from the shelves, catching your eyes in time to return the smile. 

"Think you’re right," he chuckled, moving from the end of the trolley to the front, reaching you. He wrapped your waist in one arm and kissed your cheek, grazing stubble there when you closed your eyes for the moment, "I’ll go grab one, babe…" he pecked your cheek again before stepping away, calling over his shoulder, "but grab some more socks while you’re there, and a few more of those diaper things!"

Zayn - ”Hey, babe, check this one out,” he held up another tiny pink dress, clutching fabric in his hands. He smiled from the hem of it’s glittery material to you, “how adorable is this…” he grinned, before he lay it back down on the table, “all this stuff,” he caught up to you and wrapped his arms around your swollen middle, pressing palms to your baby bump, “it’s all so cute… I just wanna buy it all…” he walked behind you as you took steps. 

"I know," you grinned, turning halfway into him, "me too… I don’t even know what to get…"

"Well," Zayn stopped, and arms still around you, made you stop your feet as well, "why don’t we start with this?" He picked up a tiny pink t-shirt with a butterfly on the front, "and then just go from there…" he smile down at you, holding the t-shirt close to his chest.

"I like that," you nodded approvingly, reaching up to kiss him, "sounds good to me."

Niall - ”Okay… peppermint piggie or Milky Way milo…” he held the two tiny t-shirts in front of you, propped on little coat hangers. He dropped a smile in between them, “it’s tough, they’re both cute…”

"Mmm," you shushed your lips to one side in concentration, "I like… the peppermint one…" you told him, rubbing his arm when he lowered them to drop one in the trolley. 

"Peppermint piggie,” Niall told you, shaking his head as he laid the t-shirt over a few baby blankets you’d picked up in the last aisle, “it’s like you don’t even know the beloved characters, babe.”

"Guess you’re gonna have to teach me," you winked, tugging on the sleeve of his shirt.

"Babe," he grinned down to your lips, pressing his to them softly, "I think that can be arranged…"

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