Preference 260 - Six Times In One Night

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Harry - he groaned, and dropped his forehead down to yours, sweat making his skin cling to yours, the way his hands still wrapped around your arms and held you, something breaking in his throat that made his voice a growl before a wheeze, “come on, baby,” he clenched his jaw, “I know you can get there again for me…” he rolled his hips a little tighter, bowing down to you, “you’re such a good girl for me, come on…”

You gasped under him, spent, “Harry, I… fuck… I don’t know if I can…”

"You’re such a good girl for me," he slipped one sweaty palm up to cup your cheek, his chest heaving enough for his breath to struggle again, "I know we can get there, come on, baby…" he rolled his hips into the third hour, pink lips laying agape when he gasped again, "I know you can take me, come on, baby."

Liam - he slipped down into you, dipping further than before, to where you had to gasp out loud, his hands holding onto your waist either side, fingertips digging into your skin again, going deeper again, “that’s my girl… let’s get you there again…”

"God, Liam," you arched your back, "you going for a record or something?"

"Maybe," he dipped his lips down to your collarbone, and sucked hard to growl up another love bite to the surface of your skin, "how am I doing?"

"Mmm," you panted, arching up to him a little more. You wrapped your palms around his strong arms, and squeezed when he got back to that one spot, "you’re doing good…"

Louis - ”Baby, baby,” he pressed sweaty palms to your cheeks to find your gaze, even with your eyes rolling to the back of your head. He kissed wetly along your jawline, kissing in spots over and over again, “come on, baby, keep it going for me… I know you can keep going…”

"Fuck, Lou, I’m done," you groaned under him, panting, your chest heaving the way his was on top of you. He slipped your legs a little higher up, bending your knees further for you. He thrust deeper after that, until you moaned out louder. 

"That’s it, baby," he groaned to you again, "come for me, baby, one more time…"

Zayn - you rolled over again, crushed to one another, sweat dripping in lines down your back and your hair a tangled mess that you knotted your hands up through, when Zayn did, catching his fingers in the strands and squeezing, entwining until you couldn’t feel where yours ended, “Zayn, I don’t…”

"Don’t say that, baby," he murmured, kissing your lips again. He pressed his forehead to yours and held your eyes, "come on, baby, you gonna come for me again… just one more time, baby…"

"God…" you groaned, when he rolled you over again, knocking your legs with his and feeling all those parts of you.

"That’s my girl," he soothed your hair down, thrusting gently again, "that’s my girl…"

Niall - ”Again,” he slipped into you, his rough voice deeper by your ear where he growled, bowing down onto you again. His chest glistened in the dark, and you had to swallow thickly, “seriously?”

"Like I said, babe," he smirked to one side, holding your hips to steady himself every time he went in, "I can go all night…"

"Shit, you weren’t kidding," you gasped, struggling for air, when you started to moan louder, shutting your eyes tightly, feeling him the same way over and over, "how many times is this?"

He thrust hard for a second, attaching his lips to your neck, tracing his tongue up to your ear, “who’s counting?”

Preferences by Chunkysoup(Tumblr) Part 2Where stories live. Discover now