Chapter 1 - Time To Party

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"APRIL GET YOUR LAZY BUTT OUT OF BED!!" I woke to the sound of Tide and Jai shouting and jumping around on my bed.

"Guys I'm tired and it's 7 in the morning." I groaned looking over at my clock.

"Yeah but have you forgotten what day it is?" Jai asked, the pair of them still jumping around.

"What??" I asked confused, since I was still half asleep.

"IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY!" Mathias screamed running into the room and pulling a party popper over my head.

"Oh yeah." I laughed sitting up.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU" Jai and Tide sang, well more screamed.

"Thanks guys." I laughed.

"But you woke me up this early in the summer holidays because...?" I asked.

"BECAUSE IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY!" Jai screamed in my ear, causing me to hit him with my pillow.

"And we wanted to give you these." Mathias said smiling while pointing to the end of my bed, where 3 presents were now sat.

"wow thanks guys!" I beamed.

"Well go on open them!" Tide grinned, whilst throwing one of them in my direction.

I looked and saw that it was from him, couldn't have guessed.

I opened the wrapping paper and started smiling. It was a packet of brand new watercolour paints along with a huge bar of chocolate.

"Thank you so much Tide" I beamed giving him a hug.

"No worries sis" He smiled.

"Mine next!" Jai said passing me another present.

I opened it and saw some bath stuff from Lush, plus a packed of sweets.

"Thank you so much Jai!" I smiled also giving him a hug.

"No problem, at least you'll smell nice" Jai grinned as a reply.

"Cheers" I laughed.

"My turn!" Mathias grinned, moving the twins out of the way.

He passed me a envelope. Inside I saw two tickets to this event where you meet a tone of different YouTubers.

"Mathias Thank you so much!" I cheered giving him a huge hug.

"No worries, you just gotta decide who you wanna take, even though I can probably guess who it's gonna be." He grinned.

"Who's that then" I smiled.

"Hmmm a certain curly haired band member." He replied.

"Brad from The Vamps?" Tide shouted.

"No Levi, you idiot." Mathias laughed at Tide.

"I knew that" Tide replied.

"When is it?" I asked Mathias, trying to find the date on the tickets.

"Next week, and it's in town so will only take you about an hour to get there!" He replied.

"Awesome thanks." I beamed.

"Right get ready and then come down for food." Jai said.

"Okie dokie won't be long." I replied before they went out of my room.

I checked my phone to see that time was not 7:45am. I also saw that I had quite a few messages and a Twitter notification.

First I looked through my messages.

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