Chapter 8 - Tree Tops

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"Is now a good time to remind you guys that I hate heights?" I spoke up.

"Too late now." Drew replied with a smirk.

I stood with my arms folded, wearing a harness at the bottom of a tall tree.

"Come on it'll be fun." Austin, starting to climb up the wooden ladder attached to the tree.

"Being 10 meters in the air, going over an obstacle course with nothing but a harness and rope to prevent me from falling and splatting on the ground." I then said.

"Its completely safe, plus you gotta face your fears." Nate said laughing at me being so worried.

"Why would you guys choose to go on the highest and hardest course here, there were plenty to choose from." I responded to them.

"Stop worrying and get you're butt up the tree." Drew chuckled, resulting in me giving him a death glare.

"Fine" I said, finally giving in.

"I hate you guys sometimes." I muttered quietly, thinking they wouldn't hear me.

"Heard that" Nate said from behind me.

"Oops." I said before beginning to climb the ladder behind Austin.

By the way, if your wondering were Levi is, he decided to climb up the tree first.

"Just don't look down, I'm ok, don't look down." I muttered to myself as I slowly went further and further up the tree.

When I finally reached the top and climbed up onto the platform, a was greeted by a smiling Levi.

"See it's not so bad up here." He said pulling me onto my feet.

"What ever you say." I replied, trying not to look down.

This caused him to chuckle.

"This looks awesome!" Drew exclaimed as his head appeared from the side of the platform.

"HEY GUYS WAIT FOR ME!" Nate voice said from halfway up the ladder.

"Bro hurry up." Austin shouted back down to him.

A few moments later his blonde hair appeared, before he too climbed onto the platform.

"So... who's going first?" Levi said as we looked at the course ahead.

The first obstacle was a wooden tunnel you had to crawl through.

"I'll go" Drew said raising his hand.

"Just don't get stuck." Levi joked as Drew attached the rope on his harness to the cable going through the tunnel.

"Don't worry I wont." He replied before diving into the tunnel.

"Me Next!" Levi spoke enthusiastically, before he too dived into the wodden tunnel.

"April you next!" Nate said from the side of me.

"Erm... o..k" I said, hesitant at first.

"NATE PARKER STOP ROCKING THE TUNNEL!" I shouted as I was now about half way through it.

Nate wasn't far behind me.

"It's not me it's Austin" Nate laughed at how panicked I sounded.

"Sorry didn't mean it." Austin shouted back from behind Nate.

"Oops sorry Nate." I replied with a small smile before continuing to crawl through it.

"Here" Levi smiled when I reached the end, offering me his hand to help me back up.

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