Chapter 10 - Rocky Road Begins

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Over the past few days, I've been tagged in multiple different pictures of Levi with this same girl. I'm still convinced it's just another fan but it's kinda starting to get to me. However I trust him without a doubt and know he'd never do anything like that behind my back.

I was currently sat alone in the tour bus, playing Pokémon Yellow on an old Gameboy colour. The boys were out for most of the day (again) doing some more press stuff and meetings.

It was getting to around 1pm and I was starting to feel pretty hungry. I put down the Gameboy and headed downstairs to the kitchen area of the bus.

"Great." I muttered to myself as opened the fridge to find it empty except for a single can of coke.

Not wanting to wait 5 hours for the boys to get back with food I sent a text to their manager asking if I was ok going out for a little while.

It didn't take long for him to reply.

Sure but make sure you're back on the bus by 5pm.

After replying to him I ran back up the stairs, grabbed a jacket and my backpack before heading out of the bus, also making sure I had the pass to get back on later.

Ok now to find the nearest place to get food, I thought to myself.

After looking on google maps I saw that there was a McDonalds around a 15 minute walk away from where the bus was.

The way I was walking the streets whilst staring down at my phone in my hand, it must have seemed like I was playing Pokémon Go. This was made clear when two boys who seemed around my age or maybe a year younger shouted from across the street.

"Hey excuse me, you looking for the Charizard?" One of them asked.

"Er.. no, McDonalds." I said/ yelled over to them.

"Oh... well it's just down the street and on the right." The same boys said, looking slightly embarrassed.

"Ok thanks." I smiled before continuing to walk down the street.

"YES GOT IT!!" One of them shouted suddenly making me jump slightly and then laugh.

Looks like Levi isn't the only one who gets over excited with that game.

Finally I managed to make it to McDonalds in one piece.

After ordering and getting my food, I sat down near a window and started eating.

"Hey you're Levi Jones' girlfriend." I heard someone say loudly from next to me.

"Amber right?" She then said as I turned to look at her.

"Well no my names..." I began to correct her before she cut me off.

"I'm Tiana." She said, swishing her bleach blonde hair.

"Hi..." I said, not particularly keen on the current situation.

"It must be sooo amazing to be with the boys all the time, I mean they're all just so perfect." She said in a high pitched voice while sitting down opposite me.

"Well, its pretty good." I replied not really sure what I was meant to say.

"Well I've met them quite a  few times myself, and I have to say, Levi's definitely my favourite. Say you'd be able to give me his number wouldn't you?" She said before stealing a hand full of my chips and pulling out her phone.

"No I cant really give you that sorry." I replied moving my tray of food away from her.

"What!? Why!? Want to keep him all to you're self do you? Is it cos you know that when someone better like me comes along he'll just throw you to the side and move on." She shouted.

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