Chapter 28 - New and Again

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"Only a few exams to go." Brooklyn grinned as we all walked found each other at the end of the day after our last classes.

"Thank goodness for that, I think my hands gonna fall off soon." Poppy said, holding onto her hand and letting it go limp.

"Stop over reacting." Lucas responded laughing at her puppy dog eyes as she looked at her hand.

"I'm just glad its the weekend to be honest, time to catch up on my sleep." Ruby then said as we walked down the corridor towards the main entrance.

"Well you have been looking like a sleep deprived zombie for the past few days." Lucas responded, earning him a dig.

"Hey." She glared at him.

"You can always go to the movies on your own you know." She then added.

"Ooh going on a date are we?" Brooklyn smirked.

"Its just the movies." Ruby replied, her cheeks beginning to turn a bright shade of pink.

"Whatever you say, you two clearly like each other." Brooklyn responded with a grin.

Both Ruby and Lucas were now blushing like crazy.

"Ok, we'll see you guys later, we've got a movie to catch." Lucas said as we reached the main doors and headed outside.

"Bye love birds." Brooklyn teased them as they swiftly walked over to Lucas' older sisters car

"Hey April did you ever finish your art project?" Georgia asked as the four of us walked down the steps.

"Yeah finally, its taken me weeks." I smiled, patting the large folder in my arms.

"Have the boys seen it yet?" She then asked.

I shook my head.

"Nope, they've tried but I wouldn't let them." I replied.

"Why haven't you shown them yet?" She asked.

"I guess I'm just a bit nervous about them seeing it. What if they don't like it?" I replied.

"I'm sure they'll love it is amazing!" She responded with a large smile.

"Thanks" I smiled gratefully. "But maybe I'll leave it just a couple more days." I smiled.

"Well good luck hiding it for much longer." Poppy laughed.

"Why?" I looked at her confused.

Brooklyn, Poppy and Georgia nodded behind me and as if on queue there was a loud car horn and a call.

"GET IN LOSER!" A voice that could only belong to drummer of The Tide, Nate Parker, yelled.

The three of them laughed as I tuned around to see Nate sat in the drivers seat with Levi sticking his head as far out of the passenger window as he could, a large, goofy grin on his face as he waved.

I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"We'll I guess I'd better go." I said, turning back around to face Brooklyn, Poppy and Georgia.

"See you on Monday then I guess." Georgia nodded, trying to hold in her laughter as my weirdo boyfriend pulled faces out of a car window behind me.

"Yeah see you on Monday." I smiled before walking over to Nate's car, the others heading in the opposite direction.

"Hey loser." Nate grinned as I opened the car door and hopped in the back seat.

"Hey Nate." I replied before sticking my tongue out at him.

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