Chapter 27 - Challenge

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I was so happy when weekend finally came. A whole two days without and school work to do and time to just relax.

It was currently 10am on Saturday and had the house to myself. My parents had both had to go into work, Mathias was out with his friends, and the twins had gone into town.

Having a quiet house was a rarity in our family, especially when we were all growing up. You didn't want to be in our house when there were four hyper kids running riot with nerf guns and toy lightsabers.

I was lay on my back on the sofa flicking through my Twitter feed as I had absolutely nothing else to do.

The sound of the door bell broke the silence, making me jump and drop my phone (which I was holding above my head) directly onto my face. (Please tell me I'm not the only one who had actually done this)

Hoping that I wouldn't be left with a red mark of anything I rolled sideways off the sofa before dragging my feet to see who was at the door.

At first I didn't see anyone but when I looked to my right I saw a headless white mannequin propped up against the wall right beside me. (If anyone saw the one Drew had ages ago on his Instagram)

"WHAT THE HECK!" I screamed slamming the door shut.

After locking it I returned to my spot on the sofa. If there was one thing that freaked me out it was mannequins. Something about them was just creepy and I didn't fancy going back and looking at one on the doorstep.

Hopefully whoever put it there would get bored and move it some time soon.

"AHHHHHHHH" A loud shriek suddenly sounded out of nowhere.

I must have jumped about five feet off the sofa before thudding on the floor.

Laughter then filled the room as the bassist of The Tide popped up from behind where I was just sat, accompanied by their drummer.

"How the heck did you guys get in here! Why are you here?" I said loudly from my position on the carpet as Drew and Austin also appeared from the doorway.

I didn't get a response for a few moments as they were all too busy laughing.

"You.... you left the.... back door... open" Drew managed to say between laughs.

"That is so going on YouTube!" Austin laughed holding their vlog camera in his hands.

"You guys are idiots." I said, still sat on the floor with them laughing around me.

"Aww we're sorry" Levi said, still grinning pulling me up before hugging me.

"You should be" I said, now trying to hold in laughs myself.

"Was it you guys that put the mannequin at the side of the door aswell?" I then asked glaring in Drew's  direction.

"Thought you needed a friend when we're not around annoying you" Drew smirked, he knows how much I hate those things.

"Drrrrrreeeeeewwww" I responded.

He just grinned again in reply.

"Do I even want to know where it came from or why you have it?" I asked, Levi's arms still wrapped around me.

Drew shrugged before flopping down on the sofa, followed by Austin.

"By the way to answer the question you asked before, we got bored so thought we'd come annoy our best friend" Austin spoke after the rest of us had also sat down.

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