Chapter 11 - Hacked??

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"Levi how many times have you watched this movie?" Drew asked as we all sat in the tour bus, watching the first Pokémon movie for the hundredth time.

Levi, who was sat transfixed on the movie and mouthing every word, was suddenly snapped out of his trans hearing Drew's voice.

"A few." Levi replied, only taking his eyes off the screen for a second.

"Way more than a few, you know every single word." Austin laughed.

"Shh this is a good part." Levi said, once again transfixed on the TV screen.

"Pokémon nerd." Nate joked.

"Pokémon master!" Levi said loudly, correcting Nate.

This caused us all to laugh.

"Master Levi?" Drew chuckled.

"Nah, that sounds too much like Star Wars." Austin added.

Seconds later a cushion was thrown at each of our heads.

"Guys I'm tryna watch Pokémon." Levi whined, after throwing the cushions at us.

"Hey Levi, I didn't say anything." I laughed, chucking one of the pillows back at him.

"I know." He grinned before turning his attention back to the TV.

When it got to the part of the movie where Mewtwo turns Ash to stone, Levi had tears falling down his cheeks. To be honest so did I but I cry at every movie, this was Levi, an 18 year old crying at Pokémon. Well I suppose we all know how much he loves it.

The other 3 on the other hand had given up on watching it by this point and were doing follows sprees or Q&A's on Twitter.

"Is it over yet?" Drew spoke looking up for his phone.

"Almost" Levi replied.

I was beginning to think his eyes were actually super glued to the TV.

"You know, I'm starting to think you don't like this movie Drew." I whispered to him, trying not to disturb the Poke-nerd next to me.

"Well, when you've seen it hundreds of times it starts to get a little boring and repetitive." He whispered as a reply.

"Hmm good point, I just wouldn't tell Levi that." I chuckled.

"Don't worry, he knows" Austin grinned in Levi's direction, joining in the conversation.

"Yeah finally!" Drew suddenly exclaimed as credits started to roll down the screen.

"No need to look so impressed that the movies finished Drew." Levi said rolling his eyes as he turned it off.

"Hmm ok then..." Drew shrugged before throwing himself onto the floor.

"NOOO...WHY, WHY DID IT HAVE TO END!" He screamed, clinging onto Levi's ankles whilst pretending to cry and have a breakdown.

"Bro what are you doing." Levi laughed looking down at Drew.

"You said I was too happy sooo....." Drew said looking upwards, but still gripping onto Levi's ankles.

"You know what I meant." Levi laughed, rolling his eyes again.

"DREVI MOMENT!!" I shouted, breaking the silence that had quickly followed.

"Bro you can get off now." Levi said, as Drew was still attached to him.

"Oh yeah sorry." Drew chucked before standing up.

"Ok well I'm gonna leave the mad house and get some sleep, it's getting kinda late." Austin said standing up from his seat.

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