Chapter 23 - Off To The Sea

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My eyes slowly fluttered open the next morning as I felt someone shaking me.

"April, April wake up." Levi said softly as he shook my side.

"I'm awake." I responded sleeping, turning over to face him.

"Morning." He smiled.

"Morning." I replied with a sleepy smile.

We were in his room so I guessed he'd brought me up here after I'd fallen asleep last night.

"The others aren't up yet." He commented as I became more awake.

"So you woke me up because?" I asked him.

"I'm hungry." he replied with a goofy grin.

I gave him a look as if to say seriously to which he just gave me another goofy grin.

"Come on then." I rolled my eyes and got up out of the bed.

He grinned again, jumping to his feet before running to me, grabbing me wrist and running downstairs into the kitchen.

As he did, he slipped on the tiled kitchen floor, flying backwards and landing on top of me.

"Oops." He commented, whilst squishing me.

"Idiot." I commented.

He just laughed.

""You ok?" He asked as he pulled me up off the floor.

"Yeah I'm good apart from my head." I laughed, touching the already forming bruise on my forehead.

"I should probably get you something to put on that." He chuckled heading over to the freezer.

I jumped onto the counter and began searching through the cupboards for some breakfast. The put the cereal back into a different cupboard every week so its always like a treasure hunt to try and find it.

As I closed another cupboard I jumped at the sight of his head right behind it.

He laughed again before holding out a bag of peas wrapped in a towel.

"Here you go, sorry about the peas, the boys used all the ice the other day making me sit in that ice bath." He said.

I chuckled, remembering when they made him do that and how he screamed like a girl when he lay down in it.

"Hey it wasn't funny." He commented, trying to put on a serious face, which failed.

This made me laugh more.

"Stop laughing at me." He said, trying not to laugh himself as he pressed the frozen peas against my forehead.

"Hey what are you guys doing?" Drew asked looking confused as he appeared at the kitchen door.

"Don't ask." I laughed as I sat there holding the bag of peas against me head as Levi searched the cupboards for the cereal.

Drew shook his head before heading over to the fridge and reaching on top of it.

"Looking for these?" He asked Levi as he held to cereal box out to him.

"Ok, why the heck was it up there, who keeps cereal on top of a fridge?" Levi said as he turned around, nearly hitting his head on the cupboard door as he did.

Drew laughed and tossed him the box.

"Ok I, not gonna even ask why April is sat with a pack of peas on her head." Austin laughed as he appeared along with Nate.

"Your brothers left a few hours ago by the way." He then added.

I smiled and hopped off the counter before putting the peas back into the freezer.

Dreams To Reality - Sequel To California Dreams - (Levi Jones Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now