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??? Pov:

            What have I gotten myself into?

            What am I thinking?

           13 hours after Weirdmageddon I found them. 13 hours after I took them and ran...

           Thirteen is an unlucky number unless you naturally are just that unlucky person. I scratched the odd birth mark on my wrist. It glowed and the odd swirls twisted out from my wrist and my body momentarily lit up with the gold swirls. I looked at my wrist where the immaculate flower was. The swirls receded back to it and it reverted back to normal.

             "What am I?" I asked as the colourful birthmark stopped glowing  all together. I turned back to the crispy singed pages that I hoped held the answer.

Something magical about the books made my powers go hay wire. I ran out side and let the golden energy course through my veins channeling it through to my fingertips.

            Suddenly the tree to my right lit on fire. I channeled my energy towards the fire slowly putting it out. I cooled my energy and sat down at the top of the hill. I looked down at Gravity Falls. Nobody would remembe me  I'm sure...

              I don't even remember me...

I remember my name and perhaps a memory here and there, but I look down at this wrecked village, I think one thing...

Family, I feel an off sort of connection to all this. All magical beings do, but this... This...

            This is something totally different, it's with this in mind that I turn and walk through the invisible wall to my invisible home which only magical beings can enter. I enter my secret study and restore the books. I pull them onto my lap and open up one of them.

             Answers, I need answers, I think as I start reading journal number 1.

             Answers, I need answers, I think as I start reading journal number 1

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            ... So my best friend has been encouraged me to write a fanfic involving Billdip... So bunniesAce what do you thinks I far?

             Remember... Reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, bye gold, bye!

            Please vote and comment if your enjoying the story, oh and yes there will be Bill x Dipper in the future, so sorry if you don't like that sort of thing.

Edited by Abitha Art :)


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