Chapter 3

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??? Pov:

I was invisible as I watched them. Ford and Dipper, they were exploring and had come across some Nipson tracks. I doubt they are actually called Nipson, that's just what they said they were. These tracks were headed straight towards the lake.

             This lake was hidden in the woods; no humans ever came here. I sensed Soos smelling some flower and I temporarily took control of him. I made him run over the footprints screaming some nonsense. I intentionally directed them in the opposite direction knowing it would only temporarily stall them.

What I wasn't expected was for them to find that Bill statue. I watched as they stared at the statue, so many different emotions passing across their faces. I let go of Soos' mind and he ran off. Ford went back to reexamine the footprints but Dipper stayed where he was as he stared at the statue.

Of the three, Dipper showed the most emotion varying between fear to admiration. There was another emotion of deep regard which made me curious as to what was going through his mind. I refrained from entering his thoughts as this was common courtesy. Dipper's thought process was interrupted by Ford yelling for him.

I followed Dipper as he ran to Ford only to stifle a gasp at what I saw before me. Ford was knee deep in MY lake. The Nipson happily waved at me. They were oblivious to the fact that I was invisible to the normal eye currently. I shook my head and they backed off happily conversing between one another.

            I looked over and saw the waterfall. I had to hide it, for this was no ordinary waterfall. I may not have many memories from my past, but I remember my need to protect this magical waterfall. Why? I'm not exactly sure. It flows out from below my house and off the cliff, I don't think it's that special. I just know I can't let others touch it. All the creatures who weren't stupidly oblivious knew not to touch my waterfall.

             Well besides  the Nipsons I mumbled as I shot off towards the waterfall. I was in the process of concealing it when I heard a large commotion. I turned around in time to see Ford shoving both twins behind him.

The proud and ignorant Prince Kanar the First was about to tell them about the waterfall. I quickly became visible and started walking towards them.

"That's enough Kanar." I yelled drawing all attention towards myself. The elf prince looked indignant as I addressed him this way and I knew this would be reported to the king, but they knew I was the only one who could help, so they wouldn't do a thing. He opened his mouth to speak but I spoke first. "Don't listen to him; he has a tendency to babble."

             "Pardon my asking, but is he an elf?" Mabel asked me. I looked at her and refrained from bursting into laughter.

               "I'm right here... and yes! I am Prince Kanar of the elves." Kanar said hotheadedly while waving his hand dramatically through the air for effect. He held that smile before lowering his head in shame. "Prince Kanar, the prince who was sent to find the Keeper..."

                 "Who isn't looking for the Keeper these days." I replied shaking my head knowing that I was the the Keeper and the Pines family did not know.

             "The Keeper?" Dipper asked curiously and I looked him in the eyes knowing perfectly well that I was, in a way, lying.

             "The Keeper is the one that keeps all things magical in check, and inside Gravity Falls." I replied honestly while he looked to his Grunkle. Ford just looked at me curiously.

             "So what are you doing in the woods, and why have you been staying in the woods rather than town?" He asked me and I was quick to respond.

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