Chapter 15

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Mabel Pov:

             The deer carriage stopped and Prince Kanar helped me out of the carriage holding the flower in his other hand. Several other elves ran up to him as he led me through the beautiful scenery. The elves were everything I could have ever expected and more.

"Your highness! You're here just in time!" The most beautiful of them said to the elf prince before glancing at me.

The prince led me to a grove filled with flowers that sparkled like glitter. The morning dew glistened off the petals as they dropped from the trees, but in the centre of the clearing lay a beautiful girl her golden hair sparkling more then the time I had bedazzled my face. Her dress was a sparkly red.

From afar she looked beautiful, but as we drew near I could see her face was contorted and fleshy. In some places it was charred. Other elves stood around us as the prince stepped forward he lifted the flower above her face he said something quietly and squeezed the flower.

Five pink drops fell from the flower. A golden shimmer formed along the princesses face for several seconds. When the golden shimmer disappeared I gasped at what I saw. The fleshy burns were gone and the princesses fair skin looked perfect free of blemishes.

               An elf passed a silver tiara to the prince who looked at it carefully before nodding.

"When someone is in a state like my sister or your brother they need an item from their true identity to give them control once more." He told me as he placed the crown on his sisters head. It glowed like before and the princess opened her eyes. She looked over at her brother before hugging him. Prince Kanar patted his sisters back.

              We spent the following hour catching up and I grew to like Princess Kandae. No matter how hard I tried I could not associate her with the corpse she had been just a while ago. We were on our way home walking through the woods when Grunkle Stan yelled found her, startling the three of us. Wendy, Soos, Waddles, Grunkle Ford, and Fleur ran out from the underbrush following Grunkle Stan who grabbed my shoulders in tears.

"Guys what's wrong?" I asked looking at all of their solemn faces. Grunkle Ford sighed and took a step forward.

"It's Dipper... he isn't... he's..." he stuttered before shaking his head.

"Dippers like totally dead." Wendy finished a look of sorrow etched on her face. I shook my head in denial.

"No, he can't be... he was just fine when I left!" I screamed denying this possibility altogether. No body replied and I looked over at Prince Kanar who was staring hopefully at Fleur. Then I remembered Fleur's flower.

"We have to act quickly, and Mabel you need to come with us..." Fleur stated. Her face was emotionless compared to how she looked earlier, but now her eyes were the only indication of the emotional war she was fighting on the inside.

"Anything for Dip Dot!" I replied confused as to why I was important.

"Then lets go get his body..." Grunkle Stan mumbled under his breath. We walked back to the hospital and collected my twins already cold pale corpse. We walked back up towards the location where all of our troubles started. The Prince and Princess twins helped us as they could. Fleur stepped forward and golden beams shot out of her fingertips revealing the waterfall I had thought I saw that day.

Fleur squeezed one of the flowers over Dipper quietly. She looked at me and grabbed my hand placing it in Dipper's cold palm. I felt a strange sensation before realizing that me and Dipper were floating over the river. As we lowered closer and closer to the river I started to notice the water looked more and more silver. I was just skimming the surface when a blinding light crossed my vision. I couldn't see anything that was around me and I cried out as an excruciating pain reached my wrist then it spread to the tips of my opposing fingers.

 I couldn't see anything that was around me and I cried out as an excruciating pain reached my wrist then it spread to the tips of my opposing fingers

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Grunkle Stan Pov:

               I heard Mabel cry out in pain and I tackled Fleur. That witch would do nothing more to Mabel I thought as I started punching her. She was crying, but she didn't fight it as I beat her to a pulp. My twin tore me off of her in fury.

"Because of you Mabel and Dipper are now completely in the river!" Stanford growled while helping the heavily bruised girl up to her wobbly feat. A blinding silver light flashed from the direction of the creak, and our attention reverted to that spot. The brother and sister appeared to still be holding hands, but Mabel was completely silver and Dipper was Silver with gold stripes. I turned back to Fleur to see her leaning against another silver figure. Fleur was golden as she looked at me sorrow filling her eyes.

"I did it for the keeper of knowledge, and my younger siblings." She said leaning heavily against the silver male.

"What's going on?" The silver male asked while glancing at Fleur then I and the others.

"When my parents died without an heir they formed this river of truth..." Fleur groaned before puking up blood and stomach acid. I felt bad knowing I had done this to her, but I glanced back at Mabel and Dipper fearfully as what remained of the river seemed to swirl up and surround the two in a ball of silver. The two elves were distancing themselves from the orb and I figured we should do the same.

              I nudged my brother and pointed at the elves. He took a hint and we guided the others back to what we hoped would be a safe distance.

"You only return when you know your true purpose." The female elf said glancing over at Fleur and the silver male before glancing back at the twins. I saw a correlation between the two and yet it didn't seem very realistic. It was then of all times that the ball imploded sending a blast of air our way.


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               So does Fleur's beating somewhat make up for what she did?

               Any guesses?

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