Chapter 6

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Fleur's Pov:

I watched outside the window nervously as I placed the protection around my house. I searched through my parents old notes, looking for one thing in particular.

"I'm the Gold Keeper, I'm the Gold Keeper..." I mumbled over and over to myself. The Keeper form had receded, but the golden swirls were still glowing fiercely. I glanced out the window nervously knowing that Bill would be back for the rest of my powers soon, and I wasn't altogether sure if the protection around my house was enough.

I was invisible as I ran around my house with speed impossible for humans.

"Where is that book!" I moaned with growing alarm. I peaked out the window and screamed as I saw Bill walking confidently up the hill. He was taking his time, and that was a good thing.

After a little more running and searching I found what I was looking for and pulled it out. I read the title of the book and hugged it to myself. The Hekomï Guide to All Emergencies and Situations, was written on the front page as I opened it up.

"By the powers of my people I request an audience at the Hekomï council." I recited as I read from the page I instinctively knew was there. The swirls of bronze, silver, and gold formed opening a portal in front of me. I telekinetically pulled the things I would need before stepping through the portal. Right as Bill tried to remove the protection spell.

 Right as Bill tried to remove the protection spell

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Dipper's Pov:

I followed Ford through the woods as he walked towards the statue. I nervously bit my nails silently hoping we wouldn't find Bill. Ford walked up to the cracked statue and kicked it with his foot. It shattered on contact and it blew away in the wind. Ford looked stunned as he had barely touched it before it shattered into the wind.

             Grunkle Ford bent down and picked up a small amount of the shards which hadn't been blown away. He brushed it between his fingers and watched as it disappeared. I jumped as a bird fluttered from a tree in alarm, and Ford jumped up aiming his gun towards the bird before realizing what it was.

He sighed, obviously accepting defeat. It was now that I realized the wild goose chase I had just taken us on. We turned to leave when the ground shook and an explosion sounded in the distance. We exchanged looks of fear and apprehension as we braced ourselves.

             The force of the blast made several of the fish creatures we had seen earlier fly past us. The blast had come from that direction when suddenly one of the creatures stood up and screeched Bill at the top of its lungs.

             The creatures started panicking and running to find what shelter they could.

"Dipper, put your helmet on." Grunkle Ford told me while quietly approaching the lake. I nodded and placed it on my head before joining him as he advanced towards the lake.

             As we got closer I could see the lake and the waterfall, but what caught my attention most was Bill, who was pounding his fists against the ground. A thin layer of smoke was coming off of him as though he were burning.

             "You coward! Come accept your death Fleur." Bill yelled. I had never seen Bill like this, for as he stood up he started trying to use his magic on thin air. It was actually quite funny. Grunkle Ford sent me a pointed look at the mention of Fleur

             I fought the urge to laugh out loud as Bill tried using his magic on thin air. I accidentally snickered and Bill's eyes flashed over in our direction. I hoped we were concealed enough in the bushes we hid in. Bill had really good ears.

             My panic grew as I saw Bill trying to pinpoint our location from the distance we were at. That's when the magic Bill was using blew up, and things get a little fuzzy...

             The explosion, the blast, the pain. I had heard my Grunkle's voice searing through my skull, but I couldn't move. All I could do was think as his voice grew distant like speaking underwater.

             The last thing I remembered before falling completely into my mind was Bill's eye flashing in front of the darkness of my mind, and then the Big Dipper symbol appeared...

             The last thing I remembered before falling completely into my mind was Bill's eye flashing in front of the darkness of my mind, and then the Big Dipper symbol appeared

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             Not my longest chapter...

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Edited by Abitha Art :)


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