Too Many Twins?

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Dipper Pov:

"Adelaide, Andrea please come back!" Bill cried out as twin two year olds ran throughout the castle halls.

"When you said they just learned how to walk you weren't kidding..." Mabel stated as she came up beside me. In her arms rested Dominic the smaller of Mabel's twins. I smiled as King Kanar approached with my daughters following close behind.

"Are you sure you can manage Kandae?" The elf asked his twin while picking up Desmond from his crib. Princess Kandae smiled as her brother past over his eldest son.

"Of course, you parents deserve a break, plus I only have the kids for the first half then they're the Stan twins problem." She replied while cooing lightly to Desmond. Bill shot into the room to see his daughters calmly sitting on a pillow.

"Well don't start acting like angels now!" Bill yelled throwing his human arms in the air.

"Look who's talking!" I laughed as I watched Bill hug our children.

"Okay new deal, no more twins no more trouble!" Bill growled pointing at each of us individually. Bill being the only one lacking a twin at the room was trapped in an onslaught of laughter.

"You shouldn't have Married into the twins!" Mabel snorted while passing her younger son to her sister in law.

"You shouldn't have Married into the twins!" Mabel snorted while passing her younger son to her sister in law

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I'm now working on the sequel, I'm glad you guys got an early view of some of our new characters!

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