Chapter 9

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1500 years ago...
??? Pov:

               A silent figure stood by the large viewing panel looking out at Earth. I quietly walked up beside him and looked at the planet with him.

              "You asked to see me Kyrome." I said looking to my friend. A couple bronze class Hekomis looked up enviously.

"Yes old friend I am concerned for you..." he started to say before my keeper abilities kicked in and I sensed the possible answers to what he was about to say. I picked the most logical answer.

             "I'm sorry about the damage down to the power coils Kyrome but there's nothing I can do now." I told Kyrome while lifting the tablet I held in my arms to his face.

             "I'm not concerned about our imminent crash into this planet we'll survive... I'm concerned about you old friend." Kyrome said grabbing my shoulders. I stared at his keeper mark glowing from the stress he was under. The golden swirls around the Satobi Vine, his keeper mark.

              "What is there to be concerned about?" I asked trying to compute what he meant with my keeper of knowledge powers. He sighed heavily before lifting up my left arm.

             "This is what I mean!" He said pointing towards my keeper mark. The silver swirls with the gold stripes right down the centre of each stripe. " my second in command and dearest friend you delve too long on matters you can not solve! You pour your time into creating ways to embetter our crumbling society... and yet my dearest friend you have no love, no heir to inherit your position. Now here we are crash landing with slow descent into a less developed planet and you have not lived."

            "But Ky..." I started to respond.

            "No buts dear friend you must promise me that you will make an effort to enjoy what's left of your life." Kyrome said forcefully before letting my arm go and looking back at the approaching planet.

             "Very well then Kyrome I will attempt this for the sake of my position on the Hekomi council." I told him sensing that the comment was final. He nodded and dismissed me with a secret wave of his hand. I nodded back before turning to leave the bridge.

             As I was leaving Amara the keeper of truth entered the bridge. She scowled at me but gave a quick nod as she walked over to her spouse.

"Sir we are set to crash in 8 hours!" She said looking up from his monitor to the golden keeper. She blamed me for my lack of ability to keep us all from crash landing into some poor planet.

Why not blame me! I'm the keeper of knowledge after all. I designed this vessel to aid my people in escaping the evil which searched to purge my planet of its inhabitants. Who would have guessed that the planet they were born and raised on was a living bomb? I should have!

At least I could have seen the signs sooner... evacuated quicker, but why had none of my forebearers seen this day coming? Had they seen it coming and decided it was irrelevant. I asked pulling at my hair. I bumped into one of the bronze Hekomis as I walked to my chamber and he looked away in submission afraid I would yell at him.

             I patted his shoulder gently knowing how in the past the classes always treated the weaker classes terribly. Children would grow up their entire lives together then one would become a silver class the other a bronze and suddenly the silver never saw the bronze a day in his life.

The bronze nervously looked at me before quickly continued his course down the corridor. I continued into my private chamber and set the alarm for my next shift. Two hours of rest would do me some good. The last thing the Hekomi needed was for their keeper of knowledge to be to exhausted to help organize the two hundred remaining people.

              Two hundred out of billions! Two hundred and eleven to be exact. 142 bronze, sixty-seven silver, and one gold not including myself. Only five of the original council members remained. The gold keeper, me, Amara,  the keeper of foresight, and the keeper of justice. I lay on my cot as the lights dimmed savouring the soft feathers of a bird I will never see again.

 I lay on my cot as the lights dimmed savouring the soft feathers of a bird I will never see again

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Bill pov:

I rubbed my human eye as I traced the Satobi relic. Ford and I had made our terms clear to each other but he still didn't know the purpose of all this.

I remember Fleur telling me stories about the great aliens who had been forced from a planet suddenly active with spontaneous volcanic eruptions.

She told me of how they hadn't seen it coming. How hundreds of years before she was born her people watched as their world was blown from beneath their feat and how these ancient aliens had fled from their planet just to crash land here on earth.

              Her stories were how I found the tomb of one of the highest regarded members of Hekomi society. This tomb was where I learned I could become more then a dream demon. That's where I found the Satobi relic.

Now here I am searching through the residence of the keepers of truth. Pity they're dead I thought while sifting though some drawer nonchalantly. I almost missed the pathetic drama Fleurs parents had added to the mix.

"Ah ha ha! Thank you Fleur!" I said with glee as I peaked in a vase. I pulled it out with my magic and delicately placed it in the box I had brought with me. I enclosed the container carefully and slipped out of the human realm into the nightmare realm where I stashed the precious item in a secret place deep with in my home.

I still needed one important ingredient to top it all off, and that required a little more searching. I felt the call of some one summoning me and gladly answered needing the break.

 I felt the call of some one summoning me and gladly answered needing the break

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