Chapter 8

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Bill Pov:

At first it was blurry in his mind, but then as he became completely unconscious his thoughts became clearer. I was 100% sure now... he has a severe concussion.

I quickly got to work resorting his memories before they could leak out and escape. I saw all of his thoughts, opinions, likes and dislikes. This 13 year old boy reminded me of myself in a way I couldn't comprehend.

After hours of zipping through Dippers mind and securing every last memory I could finally say that I had successfully saved his mind. That's what I thought until I saw the door on the far end of the room.

             I approached it cautiously for it was not any normal door. I felt like I knew what it was but I had never seen anything like it. It was made out of pine wood and shaped like a Pinetree with a single silver knob. I went to open the door but was sent flying backwards by some unknown force.

             I gasped with shock as several glowing points appeared on the door at the outward facing points of the Pinetree. I counted 7 in total and I watched as the knob glowed before disappearing. This reminded me of the vault I had stolen the Satobi relic from.

This was a puzzle from the keeper of knowledge...

             This was a puzzle from the keeper of knowledge

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Mabel Pov:

             I was walking up the steps to the mystery shack when I heard sticks cracking in the woods. I turned so fast that my hair slapped me in the face. What I saw before me was mortifying.

               "Gruncle Ford what happened?" I asked running up to my Grunkle. I helped him get Dipper into the car so that we could drive him to the hospital...

Grunkle Ford didn't say a word as he got in the drivers seat and we sped off to Gravity Falls Hospital. I looked at my twin in the back his head wrapped in bloody cloth. He had a couple scrapes and bruises along his arms and legs but they didn't concern me as much as the head wound.

             We pulled into the hospital and Grunkle Ford grabbed Dipper and ran as quickly as he could to get inside. I followed carefully suddenly wondering why we didn't call an ambulance.

           "This is a medical emergency!" Ford yelled as the door flew open and we entered the reception room of the hospital. Nurses looked up hushing us before seeing Dippers state. Patients waiting just regarded us with dazed looks as if thanking god silently that that wasn't them or something.

             Dipper was rushed off into some room on a hospital bed for the doctors to help him. Me and Grunkle Ford were forced to wait quietly in the reception room with looks of pity in all directions. Grunkle Ford went and called Grunkle Stan on the hospital phone to explain what was going on while I just felt numb on the inside.

             I shed no tears, had no fear, had no emotion. I just sat there in the stiff uncomfortable chair, broken...

              Grunkle Ford finished talking to Grunkle Stan and came back over with a solemn face set with determination. He sat next to me and hugged me close to him. He mumbled something under his breath while I watched those swaying doors they took my brother away through.

             Grunkle Stan arrived several minutes later with Soos and Wendy but I didn't care I just stared at the door. I stared at the door as it opened and closed, opened and closed, new patients went in old patients went out. Doctors and nurses entered and exited.

                 I was starting to grow drowsy when the doctor came in the room. Grunkle Ford stiffened when he saw the doctor come out. I hadn't really been paying attention to him due to the fact that so many nurses and doctors had come and gone, but he stood out.

              The most peculiar part about him appeared to be his love of yellow. His hair was yellow along with his eye. Even his eye patch covering one of his eyes was yellow. His white doctors jacket even had a yellow notepad and pen in the pocket.

             "Soooo Dipper has a severe concussion, nine stitches, and is in a coma." The doctor said with a quick glance at each of us before allowing his eyes to bore into Grunkle Ford. I could tell there was something about the two of them. The doctor's voice reminded me of Bill Ciphers voice and I could tell by the looks on some of the others faces that they thought the same thing.

The doctor went back to the door and opened it for us to enter. We followed in quiet unison as he led us to Dipper.

"Bro bro?" I whispered when I saw him. He didn't move or twitch and I had to stifle back my tears. The heart monitor hardly blipped as air was forced into him. His head was bald where they had to shave the hair away to access the wound. Dip dot looked terrible!

             I stayed there next to my brother sadly with Grunkle Stan, Soos, and Wendy all standing next to me. Grunkle Ford went outside the room to talk with the very yellow doctor while all I could do was wish for my twin to return home safe and sound. A single tear slipped from my eye and started rolling down my Cheek only to be wiped up by the elf we had met in the woods.

              "He doesn't need your tears right now Mabel." He told me while hugging me. I nodded before turning back to my brother. As long as he has a heartbeat there is hope. All I could do was nod as I glanced out the window then back into the eyes of a understanding elf.

 All I could do was nod as I glanced out the window then back into the eyes of a understanding elf

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             This chapter was a couple words shorter then my usual chapter, but it was actually really hard emotionally writing this.

             This chapter was a couple words shorter then my usual chapter, but it was actually really hard emotionally writing this

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