Chapter 13

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Bill Pov:

We rounded another corner in Dipper's mind before he started to release my head.

"Stop Bill!" He suddenly screamed and I was forced to come to a sudden halt. Pinetree had to squeeze my head tighter to keep from falling off, but now he was squirming to get out of my hold. I let him get down and he walked slowly towards one door that we had just past. He reached towards the handle and peaked in.

"Did you look in this room?" He inquired after staring in for a couple seconds.

"No?" I replied and he smirked.

"Good." He stated snapping his fingers as a lock appeared on the door . I gave him a quizzical look. He snapped once again and a key appeared around his neck. Content with what he had done Pinetree stuck his tongue out at me as he twirled the key on his finger.

              Curiosity filled my head and I watched as Pinetree mocked me. I was about to approach him when I felt someone summoning me. Pinetree cocked an eyebrow as I groaned, knowing that I would be disappearing in front of him.

 Pinetree cocked an eyebrow as I groaned, knowing that I would be disappearing in front of him

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Dipper Pov:

             Bill had completely faded when they appeared. Fleur and some tall scowling stranger. Fleur ran towards me and grabbed my shoulders. Why were they in my head?

"What happened Dipper! I get back and you're in a comatose state!" She rambled as she shook me lightly.

"I-I hit my head." I replied and she lowered her gaze to the ground.

"Oh Dipper, we better hope that my suspicions are true..." Fleur started to say as the stranger in the background suddenly stepped towards us.

"Are you done talking with the human?" He snapped stepping forcefully in between us.

"Why would you care?" I demanded noticing the Orion tattoo with silver swirls around it much like Fleur's flower with golden swirls around it. I glanced over at Fleur's wrist and notice the faint hint of gloves.

"Dipper I'm the only one who can save you," Fleur said simply before sending a death glare in the strangers direction. He glared back before disappearing and Fleur sighed looking me in the eye.

"We've got to go find the forbidden cave, but when we find what we're looking for we'll come back I promise!" She told me before disappearing herself.

"Well it's just me and my thoughts then..." I rambled to the walls as I walked around in my head. I got to the seven pointed Pinetree again and I watched it closely.

 I got to the seven pointed Pinetree again and I watched it closely

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Fleur Pov:

              The stupid keeper of foresight had done nothing but swear and bicker the whole way up the mountain. The winding path had made the fading of erosion obvious as we avoided plummeting to our deaths carefully.

We reached the mouth of the cave with little difficulty where you could see the entire valley but the cave was hidden from the world. I touched the invisible door lightly; the orbs glowed lightly revealing the Satobi Vine. I grabbed the first orb and it jolted from age.

                  Typically the orbs would slid along like ice, but this orb slid right into place. We gasped in shock as mister negative moved the next two over purely by accident. This Hekomï door was weathered with age, and obviously past its prime as we continued to connect all the points.

              When he moved the final one we stepped back and gasped as we realized that the door formed the flower of my Hekomï mark. The door wheezed as it grumbled open revealing a grand chamber.

               A tomb stood proudly in the centre; the secret burial place of the last golden keeper. Mister negative started sifting through an ancient tablet which I was amazed still powered on. I traced my finger along the dusty marble wall. The Keeper of Foresight gasped suddenly and I turned around to see him hawking at the tablet still.

"Th-the Hetema Flower..." he mumbled grabbing a hold of my wrist. I tore it from his grasp and glared at him.

"The what?" I growled enduring that the glove had not come loose. I could feel a couple swirls lacing further up my arm as my anger surfaced, but I kept myself under control.

"The Hetema Flower! It looks identical to your keeper mark and it was said to be the mark of the next gold keeper!" He yelled in response his voice resonating throughout the cavern. I bit my lip before stealing the tablet.

"Hetema Flower, extinct flower known for its capabilities to heal wounds quickly, and in certain cases bring back the dead! Ya right!" I yelled my nervousness taking hold. I had never known of the properties of my Hekomï mark but this all rang true in my mind. I felt the odd sensation of someone using telekinesis on me and I gasped in horror as the glove flew across the room.

            Mister Negative's jaw dropped as he saw the flower and golden swirls. I lost control and the extended swirls spanned out around my body. I could feel myself turning completely golden.

"Yes, happy? I'm the golden Keeper! Are you content knowing how much you've disrespected me and the rest of the Hekomï race!" I snapped and he stepped back as I started floating so that he was no longer taller then me.

"I'm sorry I didn't know... I hated you because of what you did to my father that's all." He stuttered as he reverted his gaze from mine.

"I never did anything to your father!" I yelled my voice strengthened by my golden form. He leaned against the wall and dots lit up revealing another invisible door which no one had ever seen before.

 He leaned against the wall and dots lit up revealing another invisible door which no one had ever seen before

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                Any votes and/or comments are greatly appreciated!

                                            Dee 😊

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