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Dipper Pov:

               I hadn't known that I had passed away. It made me wonder if anything that I thought happened in my head had actually happened. I remembered my journal up in my room with its empty pages. I excused myself from the living room claiming I had a headache and needed some rest. The others nodded accepting my excuse allowing for me to slip up to the attic.

Something felt off from when I left the journal. It was still on my bed, but it wasn't where I thought I put it. I walked over to my bed curiously and sat down. I picked up the journal and opened it to a wonderful surprise. I flipped through each of the pages I had drawn in my head wondering how they transferred over to this journal.

My finger was tracing Bill on the final page when I thought to flip the page. I gasped as a small folded slip of paper fell out from the blank page. I picked it up, and opened it to reveal a note in beautiful handwriting. It read:

Dear Dipper,

I have mixed emotions while I write this, but by the time you read this I will be dead. Bill would have either killed me, or he would have killed Mabel. Mabel is the only reason you are alive. Your twin bond was crucial when it came to bringing you back. Never ever hold something against your twin!

Also as you may now know you have Hekomi powers. Don't worry about learning to use them; you will surely be trained by other members of the council, but promise me Dipper that when you meet the lower ranked Hekomïs you will not be stuck up like the rest of the council is towards them.

As for me and your... love. You two will have twins, and because both of you possess my powers one of your children will become the next golden keeper. Keep your relationship with that demon a secret as Bill will likely be accused of possessing you again.

Finally I would like to tell you that you two are pretty much my replacement siblings as I lost my younger twin siblings when I first faught Bill. I suspected that you two were their replacements from the beginning.

Enjoy your new life as keeper of

Sincerely Fleur

I set the note down quietly as I stared helplessly at the wall, so this was my new life. I sighed heavily as I lay back on my bed.

"Anyone home?" A familiar voice rang through my head. I smiled quietly before closing my eyes and joining him in my mind. We had a lot to talk about!

 We had a lot to talk about!

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And this marks the end of The Keeper. I'm going to make some special chapters.

Thank you all so much for reading, voting, and commenting it means so much to me when you guys tell me what you think!

Other then that I'll be going through and editing all of the chapters.

As always please vote and comment if you enjoyed the story.


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