Chapter 16

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Dipper Pov:

The blackness became fuzzy, then I heard a ringing sound, but when I opened my eyes I was shocked to see the real world once more. My entire body ached and I lay in what felt like a dry river bed as I fought the sudden urge to scratch my wrist.

My sister groaned from a couple metres away. She was propping herself on her elbows when she screamed. I fought the achiness in my limbs to see what she was screaming about.

"Dipper! You're alive!" She cried out while hugging me. She seemed just as sore as me, but she was overjoyed to see me. My sister released me and I went to scratch my wrist. We both stared in shock at my wrist before she looked at her own and squealed.

"That was pretty cool man!" Wendy said as she patted my shoulder.

"Good to see your okay." The Stan twins chorused.

"So, how was the afterlife?" Soos asked out of the blue. Everyone glared at him, and I found myself extremely confused.

"Nice Hekomï mark!" The scowling stranger stated with a curious look at me as Prince Kanar, and another elf walked down into the empty riverbed. I looked down at my wrist an intricate Pinetree with silver swirls and a gold stripe down the centre of each swirl. Mabel had her shooting star on her wrist surrounded by solid silver swirls.

"So you guys have powers now?" Prince Kanar asked as he helped Mabel up. A look of affection past the elf's eyes, but Mabel appeared oblivious as she stared at her wrist.

"Yes, he is the new keeper of knowledge, and she is the keeper of truth!" The stranger replied and I saw his mark with silver stripes along his wrist. Mabel's mark and mine looked far more spectacular then his.

              My attention was suddenly claimed by Fleur who was climbing away from us up the hill. As if she sensed my eyes on her she turned with tears falling down her eyes. She smiled at me before continuing up out of sight. I stood up and shook the dusty riverbed from my clothes before slowly heading in that direction.

               I followed her to a clearing where Bill stepped out in human form from the underbrush holding the Satobi relic. I stifled a gasp as Fleur stood confidently in front of him.

"Finally accepted fate?" Bill asked while laughing lightly.

"I did what I must for my siblings stupid!" She replied as golden swirls started swirling off her wrist she grimaced as he claimed them in the Satobi relic once more.

"I killed your siblings with your parents on the day you should have died with them!" Bill yelled as Fleur fell to her knees crying out. I jumped out of the underbrush yelling for them to stop when both of them gasped.

"You can't stop what was meant to be!" Fleur countered while pointing her finger at me. A single weak golden swirl shot from her wrist towards me. Bill cried out as it landed on my arm sinking into my skin and fading.

"Pinetree! Now I can't control her powers forever!" Bill growled as he placed the relic around his neck and ran up towards me pulling me into a warm embrace. I felt a choking sensation as he saw my new keeper mark. Bill looked shocked as he saw the mark. He shook his head and crushed the Satobi relic in his palm. It turned to dust and he hugged me once more.

               Without an invisible hand around my throat I freely accepted his embrace and hugged back. My eyes were closed as I hugged him quietly. When we broke our embrace I caught a glimpse of Fleur. She lay on her stomach with her arms sprawled eyes open to a sad, but content face.

              She had not been dead for long for her eyes were just now getting that dead glossy look. She had died watching me and Bill hug each other. Mabel and the others shot out from the woods and saw Fleur's body.

"Bill get away from Dip Dot!" Mabel yelled in tears as she glared at Bill. The elves stood by her side as Grunkle Stan picked Fleur's body off the ground.

"You killed the golden Keeper!" The scowling stranger scowled once more as he glared at Bill. The scowling keeper ran forward and grabbed my hand pulling me towards Wendy who hugged me with just as much love as Bill had a moment ago. I've  moved on... hugging Wendy was no longer all I wanted to do. I glanced over at Bill as they started guiding me away.

"I love you!" Bill mouthed as he watched us disappear back through the tree cover.

"I love you two!" I mouthed back as I nodded. He blew a kiss in my direction before disappearing. I continued walking with the others who hadn't even noticed I had turned around. The scowling stranger went on to explain our new positions on the Hekomi high council. The elves promised Mabel a tour of their kingdom as we split ways.

"I think he likes you!" I joked while nudging my sister lightly as we continued towards the Mystery Shack.s

"I think I like him..." Mabel replied her eyes following him into the woods. Prince Kanar looked back in our direction and smiled. We got back to the Mystery Shack, and the keeper of foresight as it turns out took Fleur's body back to the council.

The rest of us went and feasted at the diner. Lazy eyed Susan chattered away the entire time, but both Mabel and I were caught in our own fantasies as we quietly ate our food. I closed my eyes drawing back into my head. I clutched my book and I realized that now that I was conscious I would have to transfer all the drawings from my mind.

 I clutched my book and I realized that now that I was conscious I would have to transfer all the drawings from my mind

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Its short I know...

Do you guys feel some pity for Fleur now?

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