Chapter 1

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1 year after Weirdmageddon... Nearly.

??? Pov:

I smashed my face off the walls. The gold swirls spanning out from my wrist were becoming more common. The journals were getting me nowhere, and I had used my powers to try and find all the hidden secrets. All they seem to do was trigger my uncontrollable powers.

"No, no, no!" I screamed as some magical being knocked on my door. I should never have tried to figure out what I was. Having sensed my magical strength all the magical beings of Gravity Falls have come to see me. They call me the Keeper.

I opened the door and looked outside. Three gnomes stood stacked by my door so the the brown haired fellow looked me in the eyes.

"Will you marry us?" He asked.

"Shmebulock, would you like this cookie?" I asked as I created one out of thin air and waved it in his face. He let go of the gnome above him and grabbed the cookie. The other two gnomes fell over and I sat down on the front steps. To a normal human's eyes, Shmebulock and I would be floating.

I sighed and formed a TV in front of me. The flat screen flashed on without any cords and the Gravity Falls news appeared on screen. One of the gnomes crawled onto my lap and I started to brush his hair.

"You guys are like puppies..." I mumbled considering how my powers had been getting stronger. The news reporter appeared smiling on screen the tv screen.

"And we have another report of the mysterious magical do-gooder who has completely rebuilt the national history museum overnight!" She said through her smile. I looked to the gnomes.

"That's me she's talking about, guys." I told them recalling the moment precisely. Having they village to repair gave me something to focus on when my powers grew out of my control.

"Also I would like to announce the return of Dipper and Mabel Pines who will be arriving soon according to the Stan Twins." The reporter made a face and turned to her partner before whispering that's what we call them right. I was more focused on this news... Perhaps these twins, the supposed heroes of Gravity Falls, could help me.

"That's our bride!" The brown haired gnome yelled jumping up from beside me as the twins photo appeared. I snorted and thought, 'in your dreams' as I quickly reinforced the Grid.

The Grid, the wall that keeps strange things like me in Gravity Falls... It's best this way I thought as the bus slid into town.

 It's  best this way I thought as the bus slid into town

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Dipper's Pov:

            Me and Mabel watched out the windows, fascinated as we approached Gravity Falls. I quietly fiddled with the letter in my hand thinking about how Wendy had probably changed over the year. I imagined Soos, Grunkle Stan and Grunkle Ford.

I was suddenly shaken by my sister as she jumped up and down.

"Dipper, we're here!" She shrieked while pointing at the sign. But as she pointed I saw a gold pulse wave forming a bubble around us and all of Gravity Falls, and just like that, it was normal again.

"What was that?" I asked and Mabel looked at me curiously.

"What was what?" She asked while picking Waddles up and putting him in her special pouch for him.

"Never mind." I mumbled as I shook my head and put the slip of paper back in my backpack. I shook my head and looked over at my twin.

"What do you suppose we'll find this year?" I asked.

"I hope we find elves!" She said as the bus slowed down.

"Elves? Really?" I asked as she started aiming an invisible bow around the bus. Mabel shrugged and smiled as she went to get off the bus. She was instantly tackled by Grenda and Candy and I was instantly relieved to not have friends like that. The rocky road side looked excruciating.

I climbed off the bus and saw all the familiar faces, although there were some new faces in the crowd who caught my attention. I went towards my two grunkles. Stan playfully grabbed me in a headlock and Ford gave my head a thorough shake as everyone else said their greetings.

A lone figure wearing shades stood off to the side of the crowd just staring. He looked new so I thought I would go introduce myself when a hand grabbed my shoulder. A voice rang clearly through my head.

"He doesn't like to talk to people." I turned but the hand was gone and Gruncke Stan and Great Uncle Ford were quietly talking while heading towards the Mystery Shack. There was not a single person close enough to have done it. I must be going crazy, I thought while turning to find my twin.

Mabel was going around individually and reintroducing herself to everyone. I started walking towards her when the lone figure suddenly turned and left. Mabel who was heading towards him at the time looked distraught.

"Was it something I was going to say?" She blubbered obviously feeling cheated for not being able to say hi.

"Nah, I think he just doesn't like people." I told her smiling, but as we were heading towards the Mystery Shack I felt like I was being watched. I turned and saw green eyes staring quietly at me and then at Mabel.

"What's wrong Bro-bro?" Mabel asked turning to stare where I had been looking. The eyes disappeared and I nervously turned back towards the Mystery Shack. Mabel punched me and raced off to the Mystery Shack ahead of me.

I frowned and looked back one more time. I could still feel eyes on me although the feeling had lessened. What was I, Dipper Pines afraid of? Me and my family had overcome stranger things then strangers with green eyes. I sighed and shook my head before entering the shack to be welcomed by Wendy and Soos.

I couldn't help smiling as my friends told me all about their year since we had parted ways. Soos had handled the Mystery Shack well, while my grunkles went and disproved the Bermuda Triangle, and Wendy had a blast pranking people. This summer was already off to a great start!

 This summer was already off to a great start!

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So first chapter! What does everyone think?

Remember: it's only illegal if the police are there! ~ Stan Pines

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Edited by Abitha Art :)


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