Chapter 11

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Keeper of knowledge Pov

I had seen a cave when we first reviewed the crash and I began now to build off of it for my purposes. Amara watched from a distance she was the only other person who would ever know. I carefully dug the place out. This is where me and Kyrome would go after we passed. We had agreed to be left with our belongings where we couldn't be found.

Amara sighed and redirected one of the approaching Hekomis. Only council members would be allowed to enter this cave but I knew because I had no heir and would never have an heir I would leave something very important within this territory. Something that will ensure that I am not the last keeper of knowledge. I quickly pulled each star like light out of the shape of the Satobi vine into the shape of the Hetema flower with a matching set of points and the cave opened revealing the tomb that would belong to my best friend and I placed the Satobi relic which I had made from all the Satobi vines he had ever accidentally made.

Nobody would remember that the last golden keepers Hekomï mark was the vine of death. They would just know him as the keeper and so the Hekomi would live there lives feeling secured knowing that they had left their weakness behind.

               Little would they know but their weakness would indeed be located on the planet they had taken refuge in. It was safest this way...

 It was safest this way

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Mabel Pov:

             I stayed by my brothers side when I could. Our parents were on their way to us and the yellow doctor often popped in to check on us. The doctor walked into the room with a strange wooden box pausing briefly when he saw me.

             "I would like to tend to my patient alone for a couple minutes please." He said setting the box down.

              "I've seen the other doctor around Gravity Falls before and I asked him about you. Why didn't he know about you until literally five minutes before you started working on my brother?" I asked him accusingly. He looked up surprised and hesitated for a moment before returning to whatever monitor he was checking.

             "It was a transfer situation now may I have the silence to work?" He asked while carelessly shooing me from the room. I exited the room but peaked through the crack in the door as he worked. He opened the box and pulled a vibrant pink coloured object out. He carefully used his magic to squeeze it.

               I stifled a gasp as the pink seemed to leave the object. It all dropped into a vial which the doctor held below it glowing vibrantly. The strange doctor who appeared to have magic then carefully  tilted my brothers head placing a single drop along the stitch line. I was about to cry out loud when hands grabbed me from behind.

 I was about to cry out loud when hands grabbed me from behind

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Bill Pov:

              Mabel wasn't really subtle. I expected just as much though. I knew that he had taken her away from the room and if I tried I could probably hear him taking. I saw the wound along Pinetree's head glow and start closing itself. I carefully removed the stitch and watched as the wound sealed itself. Fresh roots of hair shot up.

             When the healing was complete I entered my demon form and quickly entered Pinetree's mind. I started reorganizing his brain how I remembered it from possessing him in the past. I knew that the healing juice could reverse death as long as it was only a recent death.

             I completely organized his brain so that when he regained consciousness his memories would be whole without any confusion. Of course he would have no recollection of coming to this hospital or probably even getting hit on the head for that matter.

            I walked over to the strange door putting my hand on it carefully. The glowing lights formed into the shape of a Pinetrees again and I placed my hand on the first glowing dot. I could feel the glowing pulse of it as it turned silver. I tried to move it but it wouldn't budge.

             Breaking into that old cave had been a simple task. All the cave decay had made it easy to break the keeper of knowledges puzzle. The tomb of the previous golden keeper had told me everything that I had needed to know. It even told me about the prophecies of the future golden keeper.

Fleur always had an aura that demanded power. It's why I allowed her to think we were friends in the first place. She had gladly told me the stories which practically led me to her doom.

Her Achilles heel, the Satobi relic was dormant in my left pocket. If Fleur had of been there when I came for her powers a second time she wouldn't have been able to evade her death a second time. I could only keep the powers and regenerate them if I took every lost drop of her powers.

In Pinetree's mind I could feel each soft breathe as Pinetree remained in his coma. I lifted my hand to the door transferring as many of my human genes as I could to the pinetree shaped door without harming my Pinetree. I felt the heat of the door as it again started activating only to have it blast me away.

I stood up shaking in my triangle form. The door once again looked like a piece of the wall. I groaned in exasperation at the realization that I would need to find Fleur in order to unlock this floor.

I groaned my human genes should have worked...

considering my Hekomi roots...

                                considering my Hekomi roots

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