Chapter 4

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Dipper's Pov:

              I was shaking Fleur's hand when her tattoo started to glow ferociously. We both gasped as golden flames encircled us and I could feel her trying to pull away from my hand when her eyes lit up gold and we teleported to... Gravity Falls?

            "Ugh, my head." Fleur moaned as she grabbed her head golden swirls surrounded her body and started linking to form one golden shape. It was, in a way, beautiful, but suddenly I heard a familiar laugh.

             Bill, he's dead! How could this be? I looked around for a Bill and saw a younger less... golden swirly Fleur talking with a human boy on a fallen log. I looked over to my left again and Fleur's dirty blonde hair had turned golden and had gotten considerably shorter. Silent black wings had sprung out of her back and a third eye had formed between her two normal eyes. It turned black while the others turned white.

             I looked back at the other Fleur and realized her tattoo was different. Her flower tattoo had no swirls whatsoever unlike the tattoo which I had seen. The boy who she was sitting beside had a triangular eye patch over his eye and yellow hair. He was dressed in a yellow shirt and he was just talking to Fleur.

             At that moment she must have said something funny because the boy laughed... it was Bill's laugh. Suddenly the glowing golden Fleur's head snapped up and she looked in their direction.

             "He did this to me!" She growled.

             "What?" I replied dumbfounded.

              "He was my best friend, or so I thought!" She grumbled.

              "Huh?" I mumbled as I glanced at her once more.

              "Just keep watching! We're in my memories right now." She mumbled pointing at the other Fleur and the one I assumed was Bill. We both carefully walked down the trail to where the fallen log was.

              "Ha ha, Bill. As if the humans were smart enough." The young Fleur said while she stared at her tattoo.

              "No really! They know that I'm a dream demon!" The human Bill said panicking. "I've got to get away! You've got to get your parents to put down the barrier and let me escape."

             "Bill, my parents are the Keepers of Gravity Falls. You know that means they have to protect you, right?" She laughed.

             "I'm just a dream demon just you wait Fleur they can shift the very essence of time and space don't think they won't find an excuse for the demon pollution to be wiped out." The human Bill spoke so fast that his entire sentence came out in an breathless blur.

Fleur's tattoo started glowing and she looked sad as she looked to her friend.

"Things will get better, I promise Bill. Now my mother calls. Remember, reality is an illusion..."

"The universe is a hologram... bye Gold, bye!" Bill said smiling before taking his triangle form.

"Stop calling me Gold! I'm not a gold class Keeper!" The young Fleur said punching in the direction of Bill's triangle form.

"Just you wait, flower." Bill yelled as she teleported away. Fleur's memory faded and a new one took hold. The golden Fleur turned away grabbing her head.

"Errrgh, why are memories so painful?!" She screamed.

                "Pain is hilarious?" I joked and she suddenly turned around and grabbed my head into her hands. I saw all white and then finally saw all the memories I ever had of Bill flash through my mind.

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