Chapter 10

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??? Pov:

             Crash landing was hard but not as hard as giving specific silver keepers new powers and positions in the Hekomi council. Kyrome and I had to do a lot to keep the people settled. Although there was now 20 hekomis on the council of the keepers once again. They all had powers based off their personalities and it had taken all 5 of the remaining originals to decide on who would be the best candidates.

            Amara happily walked by with Deshen the new keeper of healing. The two girls talking nonchalantly as though we weren't sitting in some field in the middle of nowhere. Our scouts returned and reported what the planet was like telling us exactly what we had all hoped to here.

            This planet is safe I sighed with relief as I nodded to the group in front of me and my best friend. Kyrome told them where we were settling for the night.

             We spent the first night in peace sleeping in a quiet valley although I could feel something deep within my soul that didn't sit well with me. The following morning all members of the Hekomi council, including the new members, joined together to review the maps the scouts brought in and decide where we would base our headquarters.

             By the end of the day it had been decided right down to which keeper would own which territory and where the council meeting chambers would be built. Immediately we all split up to start working on building our territory's up. We all took a couple bronze Hekomi with us to help manage the territory.

I took my little group to my territory and showed them what I had planned and told them to build their settlement around that. We kept away from the natives of the planet and cloaked everything we did so that should one of them pass by they wouldn't see anything suspicious. The bronze Hekomi got to work quickly while I prepared to leave again.

I need to visit the keeper of truth. Rather her territory considering we weren't on the best terms. Kyrome and I have some business to attend to.

 Kyrome and I have some business to attend to

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Present time
Fleur Pov:

               I walked into the grand council room noting the seventeen current council members. Some young some old. I hardly knew any of them by name for I had hardly ever spent any time here except in the audience with my mother. I looked to the one sided tinted glass windows and watched the outline of people filing in to watch and listen to what I had to say.

I stifled a cry of outrage when I saw the the keeper of justice the one who normally sat in the fifth in command chair make a big show of moving to the third in command position. The chair that belonged rightfully to the keeper of truth.

I could see their faces regarding my reaction carefully as I surveyed the other members. The young keeper of foresight and fourth in command was sitting proudly in the chair in the very centre of the horseshoe shaped table. The position of the golden keeper. I could see the sneer on his face his eyes twinkling with so much hatred that I was almost taken aback.

              "What is this blasphemy about the Satobi relic?" He asked and I could some of the older Hekomïstense and confused. I could tell that they found the younger Hekomï's behaviour as outrageous as I did. Of course they all remained in their own seats as they watched me carefully.

               "Yes, the last Satobi relic in existence has made its appearance," I started my point strong making eye contact with each member.

              "It has come into the grasp of a certain dream demon that was wronged by the Hekomi council!" My volume slowly increased throughout the sentence and several voices murmured throughout the room before each simultaneously stopped as the keeper of mystery went to speak.

                "What do you mean by a certain dream demon being wronged by the Hekomi council?" He asked honestly our eyes locking. I remembered this man he had been my fathers best friend and I could tell now that he was wondering what had happened to my father.

              "Well once there was a dream demon and a Hekomi who were best friends..." I started before several groans filled throughout the room.

             "Get on with your point Fleur!" The arrogant young keeper of foresight snapped.

            "Fine I will, a dream demons wheel was tampered with and the eleventh symbol was removed. Without a gold keeper that would be impossible to do without the help of the Hekomi council. I've checked the records and my father was indeed here and removed my keeper mark from the original eleven so that they could form together and kill him without ME knowing." I walked slowly towards the keeper of foresight sensing that he would be the hardest keeper to get on my side. He blinked unfazed at the end of my speech.

"And what does this have to do with that thing that if the records are correct was your best friend?" He asked while checking his finger nails with a bored flick of his hand. I rolled my eyes before nodding.

"It appears that Bill Cipher found the forbidden cave." I stated simply while cries of disbelief filled the room. I could faintly see the hekomis behind the glass running around in fear and panic.

"But it lost the ability to enter the human dimension when it died." Wailed the keeper of imagination as she tried to regain a sense of formality.

"Well Bill is not as stupid as you might have thought he always took things he considered valuable and stowed them away in his dimension. It's likely he had this and was waiting for the right time, and if you really read the report you would also know that your father also secretly placed an enchantment on me so that I could not reach my Hekomi class before Bill was dead." I declared pointing an accusing finger at the keeper of foresight.

              "Are you accusing me?" He asked indignantly before pausing to consider what I said and speaking again. "Fine bronze class be gone from our sight and we will consider what you have said."

             My mouth dropped as he said those words and I was tempted to shout out that I was the gold keeper instead I held my head up high and walked out the door proudly just like father taught me to.

             My mouth dropped as he said those words and I was tempted to shout out that I was the gold keeper instead I held my head up high and walked out the door proudly just like father taught me to

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              Here you go guys I'm sorry this chapter took so long I've had a lot of emotional drama and stuff the last week or so and I haven't been writing much.

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