Chapter 7

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Fleur's Pov:

             The vast entrance chamber was made to stun and I vaguely remembered that from when I was a toddler. I stepped off the glowing portal I had entered by and walked up to the reception desk.

              I pulled a concealing glove over my birthmark, not wanting anyone to see the golden swirls just yet. Wendy had seen, but once I had my memories back I was quick to wipe that memory. The lady at the front desk looked up from her desk and looked to my left forearm where she expected to see my mark. She sighed when she saw nothing.

              "Fill these out..." she mumbled in annoyance as she passed several forms to me. I knew that as the heir to the Keeper of Truth I had a right to claim to be a member of the council, but then I would have to present my Hekomï mark.

             I went and sat down quietly pulling my favourite fountain pen from my bag. I could feel several eyes on me as I wrote down my responses and personal information. I knew the paper was enchanted and that the council was reviewing my page as we spoke, but I was slightly surprised when I circled that I had reached full maturity.

            Full maturity is when my people, the Hekomis, receive our class: bronze, silver... or gold. When I circled the yes the words on the page moved as a new question appeared.

            What class are you? It asked as four options appeared below it. I recognized a green light on the question I had just answered. The council members were taking particular interest in me. I circled the last answer as private and laughed to myself when I got a couple comments below the question filled with words of disappointment, asking for me to rewrite the question.

             I continued on throughout the page anyways. I got to the last question and sighed. 'What is your purpose for being here?' I thought about it for a moment, wondering how the council members would react when I wrote all I needed to say. I decide to write my purposes in point form:

• What happened 150 years ago.

• Return of Bill Cipher.

• Return of the Satobi Relic.

• Poss...

             I had hardly started writing the fourth note when my pages disappeared and the door on the far end of the room flew open faster then then they probably ever could have.

             "The council will now accept you." The now rather flustered bronze Hekomï said as she glanced over at me. I gulped as a sudden wave of terror flashed over me. I slowly walked towards the room where my parents once stood. The position of Keeper of Truth which I was bound to inherit. I was fortunate that both my parents were silver Keepers, but now I hesitated as I paused outside the doorway.

              Another couple steps and I would enter into the room where I knew all the other high ranking silver Keepers stood. I gulped a little too nervously before pulling all the courage I could muster before stepping through the door completely.

 I gulped a little too nervously before pulling all the courage I could muster before stepping through the door completely

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