Chapter 5

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Dipper's Pov:

              "Bye Gold, bye!" Bill's voice rang through my head as the image blurred. All I could see was gold and then a voice rang through my head. Fleur's voice...

             "He's coming back Pine Tree..." the gold flashed out of my head and I could feel a slight migraine. I groaned as I felt hands shaking my shoulders.

"Kid, you're all right!" Grunkle Stan's voice raged through my head. I blinked several times and my vision slowly cleared back to the Mystery Shack. I looked up at Mabel, my Grunkles, and Soos as the stared terrified at me.

            "Where's Fleur?!" I yelled at the realization that she wasn't here.

             "Relax kid, that demon is gone." Stan said, looking down at me.

             "I don't think she's a demon." I mumbled as I leaned against the closest wall.

            "You shook her hand and you both just disappeared after the gold flames shot out of her hand." Mabel said dumbfounded.

             "Ya man, it wasn't cool." Soos replied with a similar face. Mabel stared at me with the 'tell me everything' face, and I knew that she could tell there was more to the story than meets the eye.

"I think I need some time to figure out what's going on." I mumbled, standing up and walking towards the door. I walked out into the woods and broke into a run.

I ran until I reached the clearing we had been in earlier. The sunset at this point was setting over the hill. I looked at the Bill statue and gasped. It was destroyed, and I knew instantly what Ford must have done. I ran to it and picked up the shards gasping at horror for reasons I couldn't quite understand.

"My goodness Pine Tree, don't cry." I inhaled sharply as an all-too-familiar voice spoke behind me. He walked towards me and picked up my chin. Bill, in his human form, wiped away my tear and smiled. I felt a slight urge to collapse but resisted as I stared at him

"H-how?" I asked as I stared at him. He pulled me into his strong human arms and lifted my chin lightly to look in his face.

"Quite the way to welcome me back to Gravity Falls, considering your welcome back." Bill said releasing my chin. I stepped cautiously away from Bill. He approached me again and I saw it. In his pocket on a chain, the Satobi relic, it had the power to take Fleur's power, and it made me curious as to how powerful Bill could become.

               "Well, I'm just going to continue on this way..." I said trying to get by Bill.

              "Why would you ever do a thing like that?" Bill asked smiling in a sweet yet sinister way.

              "I think I'll just go home." I decided turning around to leave but Bill grabbed my arm .

"But you just got here." His voice sent chills down my spine as I removed his hand from my arm. I turned to face him and I saw an unrecognizable emotion cross his face. He moved his hand bringing me to the realization I had been holding my breath.

"Listen, I don't know what you want, Bill, I just know that with you, it can't be good." I told him as my voice cracked more then usual. My fear was plainly evident and I took off running back towards the Mystery Shack.

I got back to the shack and pushed right past Grunkle Ford, who looked stunned to see me. He looked at my face as I ran into his office to where the journals were. I flipped them open in search of some information on Bill's human form. Ford came in and looked at the pages I had selected with genuine concern.

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