Um What Now

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You guys are flipping amazing! Somehow, without my knowing, you all gave this book over 1K votes. This kind of milestone deserves a serious thank you.

Since I don't have the kind of money to start mailing everyone little gifts or trinkets, a bonus chapter and some insight should suffice.



A lot of people will comment saying that Bill and Dipper's relationship developed too quickly.

Upon writing the part of the story where Dipper saw the statue he felt a twinge of emotions that he didn't understand amidst the anger and hatred. Dipper felt those feelings, that many of us hate, called a crush, these feelings were a result of the unknown that Bill provided when even the oddities of gravity falls were becoming common things to this teen.

Bill is a demon who couldn't care less about gender, and was attracted to Dipper simply because of his intellect and personality. For a demon who has lived for millennia's love would be something that he would understand on a subconscious level.

In the case of Dipper's coma he was unconscious for somewhere between a couple days to a couple weeks, but those who have active imaginations understand that time can pass much quicker in the head then the physical world. So while Dipper could have only been unconscious for a couple days, his head could have gone through months or even years of dreaming.

Therefore, with this in mind Dipper and Bill could have had a far more in-depth relationship all in Dipper's head, and because it was all in his head this could have quickly escalated any relationship, and when you factor in the fact that Bill and Fleur were his only contact to the outside world, I'm sure that it is easily understandable how Dipper could start to get over negative emotions towards the yellow Doritos.

And so without further ado...


Dipper POV:

A stiff breeze blew past my face as I lay in the grass. The mystery shack looked even more desolate then usual. The faces of my great grumbles, Mabel, and the others forever on repeated as they went about their day. I could manipulate the memory ever so slightly if I tried, but every time I did that it made my heart feel more hollow. I longed to see the real faces of my family, and to hear their voices rather then an echo of what I remembered.

"Hey Dip Dot look at what I made for Waddles!" Mabel's monotonous voice called for the billionth time. I stood up from my spot and turned to leave the memory.

"How much more of this must I endure?" I asked aloud as I closed the wood door behind me. My fingers rested lightly on the door knob.

"You've been unconscious for twenty hours, and you're already complaining?" Bill asked with a teasing tone to his voice. I whipped around and hugged him as hard as I could. At first I had been mad when he showed up; it was his fault that I was in this coma, but after spending eight mental months locked in my own thoughts his real voice had become a reminder that I was alive.

"I just want to get out of my own head." I whispered before breaking into a sob. In despair my legs gave way and he guided me to the ground as I buried my face into his sweater.  I paused in my sobs only to look up at his human face to see the shock in his eyes, as the shock faded sympathy and guilt replaced themselves as he gently picked me up. Warm butterflies filled my stomach as I felt his arms around me.

"I will get you out of your mindscape." He stated with resolve as he helped me balance myself on my own two feet. Before I could balance myself correctly I stumbled forwarded and our lips collided. Even if it was all in my head, that kiss was very real. The rooms around us faded until only a warm array of colours could be seen all around us. Bill hesitated and stepped back nervously.

"I'm sorry Dipper I didn't mean to let you trip like that..." He whispered quietly as he wound his fingers tightly.

"Never apologize for something like that." I told him as I leaned in to take a second kiss. "Never apologize for something like that dorito."

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