
655 11 4

1. Mention who tagged you.

2. Do in less than three days.
I just read my tagging now so done.

3. 10 things about ur self.
       1. I am a student.
       2. I hate revealing personal information.
       3. I saw a really big worm today.
       4. I work at a raspberry u-pick.
             ( thanks bunniesace )
      5. I have never lived in a house for any more than four years.
      6. I was born dead.
      7. Sometimes I wonder if I'm still dead.
     8. Is life just a dream?
     9. How does one determine life?
      10. Where was I going with those last points?

4. Tag 28 people
     No. I refuse to force another to participate in one of these silly things. If you want to tag yourself in it, do it. You could even say I tagged you, just don't make it seem like you were forced to.

5. Title on tagged.
     What even is this question?

6. Write a joke.
      My day to day life.

7. Spoiler to one of your stories...
      This one isn't even published yet...
Aeslyn left the past behind her, including her feelings.

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