Chapter 12

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Mabel Pov:

Grunkle Ford's large palm covered my mouth as he led me away from the door. He quietly led me outside to the car. He let go of my face and I was about to yell at him.

               "Just get in the car I'll explain everything while we're heading to the mystery shack." He said signaling towards the door. He got in the drivers side and patiently waited for me. To get in as well.

"I trust you..." I said quietly as I stepped in the car. That's what it all came down to, trust. Deep down inside something was familiar about  all this a revelation telling me something I should have known. Grunkle Ford then proceeded to start the old car up. The car backed out of the hospital and I refused to look at him.

             "Dipper came to me telling me that Bill had returned..." Ford started my head whipping around to face him.

            "We went out to look for him and found him on top of a hill blasting at some invisible object. His magic ricocheted off the invisible object and blew us all off our feet. Dipper hit a tree behind him, his head started bleeding heavily..." he was becoming more hesitant as he spoke glancing out the window nervously.

              "Why does the reason he got injured have anything to do with this?" I snapped in annoyance. Grunkle Ford sighed as he pulled into the driveway of the mystery shack.

                "Bill said he was the only one who could do anything to save him..." he grumbled lowering his head against the steering wheel.

              "You made a deal with him!" I screamed and he nodded. I screamed in frustration and ran into the mystery shack and shot up the stairs. Wendy's hand knocked lightly on the door as she asked for me to talk to her. I leaped onto my bed face first crying into the pillow. Hadn't we learned not to trust Bill?

 Hadn't we learned not to trust Bill?

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Fleur Pov:

I waited patiently outside the doors. I could hear the ruckus from the hearing chamber where all the bronze Hekomï's were watching and listening to the Hekomi council. I was tempted to walk in there to watch the council but I knew that would be unwise if I wished to have any respect and dignity among the council members.

             An eternity seemed to pass before the doors blew open and a steaming keeper of foresight stormed out and stomped angrily towards me.

"Alright here's the deal Bronze! We go back to review all the evidence you explain everything that happened and then I come back here and you never step foot within these walls again! Understood?" He fumed while opening the portal. I glanced over in the direction of the council chamber, why couldn't they have sent someone more agreeable?

"Alright but when my evidence is proven to be truth I'm coming back and claiming my rightful position in the council." I countered with equivalent force. He looked stunned before putting his hand against his forehead.

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