Chapter 2

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Dipper's Pov:

             "That pulse appears to be the result of someone reinforcing the barrier which blocks things inside of Gravity Falls. It's essentially a strengthened version of the one that kept Bill and his gang within the town." Ford explained while we walked through the woods examining the new plants coming in since Weirdmageddon.

             "So your theory is that we awoke some power within the forest?" I asked while tapping my pen against my notebook. Uncle Ford nodded as he crouched down to examine an odd foot print with four toes not altogether unlike that of a human.

             "It appears that way, yes. After you kids left, random things started getting mysteriously repaired, and those energy pulses started happening once a month." He said while brushing some leaves away to reveal three other foot prints.

             "Hey guys, look at this!" Soos yelled running out in front of us and stomping on the footprints. Me and Great Uncle Ford exchanged glances before following him. In the centre of a clearing was a little stone statue of Bill. Uncle Ford carefully examined it before turning back to the foot prints.

             Soos quickly found something else, or went back back to the Mystery Shack, either way I was suddenly alone in this clearing. I closed the notebook and set it down before approaching the statue. I could hear Ford in the background but my attention was completely directed at the statue. Half of it was buried under a layer of dirt and mud.

            Something about this statue was so... I was lost for words. I traced the eye carefully imagining Bill in real life. He had caused so much pain, and yet technically he hadn't. I was suddenly trapped in a starring contest with the statue of my enemy... there were so many secrets hidden in Gravity Falls. None would be bigger than Bill.

            "Dipper, come look at this." Great Uncle Ford suddenly said snapping my attention back into reality. I looked away from the statue to the direction his voice came from. I picked up my notebook and pen and took off running in his direction.

I caught up to Great Uncle Ford who was knee deep in a crystal clear lake. Mysterious fish creatures swam around in the water. The strangest part about these creatures was not their total lack of fear towards us but when the came to shore their tails diverged into four toed... creatures.

Great Uncle Ford was writing something quickly in his journal and trying to communicate with one of them. High pitched squeals escaped their tiny throats but no comprehensible words came out.

"Dipper! Grunkle Ford! Where are you guys?" Mabel yelled as branches cracked to our right.

"We're over here Mabel!" Grunkle Ford yelled while he waded out of the water, his pants soaking. Mabel came running through the bushes wearing a purple sweater which had the words good to be back on the front. Her sewing had improved and her braces were almost ready to come off, but she had the same positive attitude as always.

             "What is this place?" She asked looking around. Her eyes scanned the area looking at each individual fish creature. I shrugged and she scanned the lake. "Wait, do you guys see that?"

              Mabel started shrieking with excitement and pointing off towards the end of the lake. There was a waterfall twinkling as it poured into the lake. A rainbow sparkled in front of the falling water and making the entire waterfall sparkle.  Mabel's eyes shined in response to the waterfall and she suddenly took off running towards it.

             "Mabel, wait!" I yelled quickly running after her as she ran along the shore. She hardly paused as she glanced back at me and kept running towards the waterfall. She sped up as she ran towards it when suddenly something jumped out of the woods and tackled her. "Mabel!"

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