Part 2 of "Hello"
For Part 1:
All covers for "Hello" stories made by @Hipster_Rain
Sophie Delaney was just minding her own business seeing in the new year from the peacefulness of her own...
"It's only bad luck if I see it. I have very poor imagination, so even if you describe it, I'm going to see it in my head differently to how it really looks like in reality... wait, did that make sense?"
"You're trying to reason with me why I should tell you what my dress looks like."
"Damn it, I was hoping I'd confused you enough that you'd tell me."
"You're shit out of luck. I'm too intelligent for that."
"Are you?"
"Well, I am stupid enough to agree to marry you, so..."
"Not funny."
"Anyway, I think this dress is the one."
"What would your mum say about it?"
"What do you mean?"
"Wouldn't she want to design your dress for you?"
"Ah, crap. I forgot about that. Yeah, she would want to design something. Bollocks, it was a Ralph and Russo gown, too."
"Now do I get to know what the dress looked like?"
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"Um... interesting looking dress. One question, though."
"Where's the rest of the cape?"
"That is the cape."
"Yeah, but where's the other half of it? You know, to cover up the other shoulder."
"That is the whole cape. It only covers one shoulder."
"I don't like it."
"But... but... but, it's so pretty."
"Not really."
"You don't have an eye for fashion."
"Neither do you, if you choose those kinds of dresses."
"I've never been thus treated in my entire life."
"Are you quoting Judi Dench?"
"No, I'm quoting Lady Catherine de Bourg from the Keira Knightley version of Pride and Prejudice."
"And who played that character?"
"Judi Dench."
"So, you did quote Judi Dench!"
"I quoted a character she portrayed. There's a difference."
"There isn't."
"Babe, there is and it's a massive difference. Characters in books are better than actual human beings."
"Are they, though?"
"They are."
"Name one male character from a book that is better than me."
"Just one?"
"Why can you think of more than one?"
"In no particular order- Ned Stark, Rhett Butler, John Thornton, Eric Northman, the Vicomte de Valmont, Angel and Spike, Snape, Mr Rochester-"
"Wait, all of these characters are better than me?"
"Maybe you should marry one of those guys instead."
"I wish. Unfortunately, they're fictional."
"Oh, great. Nice to know I'm second best."
"You're welcome!"
"It's a bloody good thing we've not announced our engagement."
"Why'd you say that?"
"Because I'm calling the whole thing off!"
"In all seriousness, though, when are we going to make the announcement?"
"Saturday? I'll be in London by then."
"Are we telling your family first, or mine?"
"How about we tell them all at the same time?"
"That could work. Where are we telling them?"
"Oh... uh... I don't know. I mean, Emma's in New York, so... Shall we Skype call them all?"
"You want to tell our families that we're engaged over Skype?"
"Well, Dad knows that you're going to propose and knowing him, he's told Mum, who will undoubtedly have told everyone else. We can take a photo of us both, me proudly showing them the ring, and be done with it."
"I'd rather tell them face-to-face."
"I hate logistics. How about, you figure it out and I'll go along with whatever you decide?"
"Great! Glad that's sorted. Lovely speaking with you, babe. Got to go! Love you lots!"