"Who is this? Jasmine?"
<<No, it's Evelyn.>>
<<Yes, Danny?>>
"Oh, sorry, I thought I dialled Sophie's number. My mistake."
<<This is Sophie's number.>>
"Oh, right... why are you answering Sophie's phone?"
<<Because she's currently unavailable.>>
"What's going on? Where are you?"
<<We're in France.>>
<<Paris, to be exact.>>
"Why are you in Paris? Who else is there?"
<<Myself, Connie, Jenna and Nola.>>
"Jenna and Nola are there? Connie, too? What the hell is going on?"
<<We're here for dress fittings.>>
"Dress fittings? For what?"
<<For the wedding.>>
"Whose wedding?"
<<Yours, silly. Did you forget that you proposed?>>
"No, that I remember. You're all having dress fittings?"
<<I don't think I was supposed to tell you that, but... yes, we are.>>
"Are Sophie's sister's there?"
<<One is. Charlotte? And there's also another girl here. For the life of me, I can't remember her name.>>
"Echo. Kilo. No, Keira."
<<Keira! That's the one. She's a very peculiar girl, Danny.>>
"That's one way of describing her. So, is Sophie in her dress right now, is that why I can't talk to her?"
<<Precisely. Although, Sophie did say after last night's phone call that Jasmine is no longer allowed to answer her phone on her behalf.>>
"I think Jasmine and I have come to a semblance of an understanding."
<<I highly doubt that.>>
"Why, what did Jasmine say?"
<<Only that you're still a... well, as your sister, I don't feel entirely comfortable repeating what she called you.>>
"I can well imagine the choice words she used."
<<Anyway, enough about us here in Paris. Have you packed? I've been on the phone to the removal company and they said that you delayed your moving date until Tuesday. Explain yourself.>>
"We, uh... we fell behind?"
<<You fell behind? That's not possible. I left Alistair strict instructions, including a time table and a schedule of who is to box up which room at what time. There is no way you could have fallen behind. Unless you ignored my meticulous planning. Did you ignore my meticulous planning, Danny?>>
"What? Us? No!"
<<You are truly pathetic at lying, Henry Daniel Edward James Courtenay.>>
"You did not just call me that!"
<<I do believe I did.>>
<<Are the others still there? By my schedule, they should still be there until nine tonight.>>
"Yes, they're still here."
<<Is Samuel there?>>
<<And Alistair?>>
<<Perfect. I shall call them and reprimand them for their negligence, too.>>
"By all means, go ahead. I prefer it when I'm not the only one being dragged over hot coals as punishment."
<<Dragging you over hot coals is barbaric, Danny. No, I have something else in mind as punishment.>>
"Like what?"
<<Where is the fun in telling you that? No, I shall keep it a surprise. You'll find out when I next see you.>>
"And when, exactly, will that be?"
<<Again, where is the fun in telling you that? If you knew when I was back, you'd conveniently book an appointment with a client in Belize, or somewhere obscure like that.>>
"There's not stopping me from doing that anyway."
<<Possibly not, but without me around, who will book your flight for you?>>
"I am perfectly able to book my own flight, Evie."
<<Of course, you are!>>
"You know what?"
"I hope you lose your passport and that you get stranded in Paris."
<<There are times that I hope for the same thing.>>
"It's impossible to ruffle your feathers."
<<Indeed. That's what happens when you spend twenty years raising two annoying boys.>>
"Samuel and I are men now, Evie."
<<Only you two would think that.>>
"I hate you."
<<Then my purpose in life has been accomplished.>>
"I'm going now."
<<Safe travels, then.>>
"You're your mother's daughter."
<<That's a wonderful compliment, Danny.>>
<<I'll pass on your regards to Sophie.>>
"Yeah, yeah."
<<Firstly, it's 'pardon', not 'what.' Secondly, it's 'yes' and not 'yeah.' I've taught you better that that, Daniel.>>
"I know."
<<Are you still going?>>
<<Ok, well, good bye, Daniel.>>
"Bye, Evie. I love you, sis."
<<I love you, too, little brother.>>

"Hello?" Pt. 2
Short StoryPart 2 of "Hello" For Part 1: https://www.wattpad.com/story/58655676-hello-wattys2016 All covers for "Hello" stories made by @Hipster_Rain Sophie Delaney was just minding her own business seeing in the new year from the peacefulness of her own...