September 15th 2016

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"Ok, so keep a look out for a package."

"Or packages. Plural."

"Or that. Wait, how do you know that?"

"Because Evie called me earlier and demanded that I go over to her place and take all the packages that you had delivered to her house."

"Ah, good, they're there!"

"Why did you send them to my sister's house?"

"Because I didn't want you losing them during your move."

"My move?"

"Your move into my house."

"Oh, that move."

"Please tell me you've started packing."

"Define the term 'started packing.'"

"Getting removal boxes and filling them."

"Huh, your definition of started packing and mine are very different."

"What is your definition?"

"Oh, you know... thinking about packing, making a list of things to get so I can pack, and then moaning to everyone that will listen that I have to start packing."

"Right. Well, I think my definition is the correct one."

"Most probably."

"When are you going to start packing?"


"How soon?"

"Um... whenever Elias, Michael, Fletch, and Alistair are free to help me pack, and whenever Jenna and Evie are free to supervise said packing."

"And you think it's weird that Jasmine helps me. By the way, why isn't Samuel helping with the packing?"

"Because he has to pack his own place up."

"And why isn't anyone helping him?"

"Because his flat is tiny and he can get his place boxed up in a fraction of the time it's going to take me to pack my house. Plus, someone will have to look after Alfie and Nola while I pack. Samuel can take them to Amesbury, or somewhere."

"Or somewhere? Like Mars?"

"If he thinks he can get them there and back, sure, why not?"


"How's fashion week been?"

"Oh, you know... expensive."

"God. How many outfits are you bringing back with you?"


"Too many."

"But wait until you see some of them!"

"No, thank you."

"No, seriously... wait!"

"I'd rather not, thanks."

"Not even one picture?"

"It's never just one with you, though."

"I promise."


"Pinky promise?"


"Danphie promise?"

"Hello?" Pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now