November 29th 2016

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"Do you think the bruising will lessen in time for the wedding?"



"It's hard to tell. The bruising will go away but it's the stitches and the potential scar."


"Soph, you cracked your head open. Did you honestly think that it wouldn't scar?"

"First of all, I did not crack my head open. Charlotte and Samuel did that for me. And I was kinda hoping that it wasn't that bad."

"You were hoping that it wasn't that bad? Soph, did you see all the blood?"

"Not really, no. Charlotte wouldn't let me look because she knew I'd freak the fuck out."

"More than you freaked out at the hospital?"


"How did it even happen?"

"I took a cupcake. So... they tried to kill me."

"I don't think that was their intention."

"Are you sure? Were you there?"

"At least you learned something."

"Such as?"

"Don't steal cupcakes from Charlotte and Samuel. Don't run around a professional kitchen in ridiculously high heels. Don't whack your head against the corner of a stainless steel table top when you inevitably fall because of the aforementioned heels after stealing cupcakes."

"Like I chose to hit the corner of the table!"

"Whether you chose to or not, it still happened."

"And now I have a hideous scar because of it. Do you know of any good plastic surgeons?"

"I know of a plastic surgeon, but he doesn't do cosmetic surgery. It's more reconstructive plastic surgery. On children."


"Yep. He's really good at it, too."

"Wait... who's a paediatric plastic surgeon? I know it's not Elias and Michael. It's definitely not Samuel. No offence to Fletch, but he really doesn't seem like a child-friendly person."

"Fletch doesn't seem like a child-friendly person?"

"Nope. He looks like the type to run the other way when there are kids around."

"Haha. It may surprise you, but he's really good with kids."

"I can't picture it. Anyway, this friend of yours- does he ever bend the rules and do some surgery on adults?"

"No. Just children."

"Damn it. I'll give my aunt Helen a call, then."

"Your aunt Helen?"

"Have you seen how nipped and tucked that woman is?"


"No woman in her fifties has a forehead that smooth."


"Her surgeon must be really good."

"Sophie, you don't need plastic surgery."

"Daniel, I have an inch long crevice on my forehead that will likely scar, according to you. And our wedding is four and a half weeks away. I cannot have our wedding pictures making me look like the Bride of Frankenstein!"

"You don't look that bad, Soph. In fact, you don't look bad at all!"

"Nice save, Whitaker."

"I try, Clément. Can you stop talking about plastic surgery now?"


"You look beautiful just as you are."

"Suck up."

"Haha. Just out of curiosity- was the cupcake worth it?"



"No, it wasn't. Samuel took pity on me while Charlotte was busy on the phone to the emergency services and gave me the cupcake. It tasted awful!"

"Unlucky, Kentucky."

"It's not funny, Daniel."

"It kinda is."

"Is not."


"You know what?"


"I'm hanging up now."

"Having a tantrum, are we?"


"And how old are you?"

"Old enough to know how to use the hang up option on the phone. So... bye!"

[Call ended.]

"Hello?" Pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now