July 26th 2016

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Ok, so for Echo's story which I'll be publishing Saturday, July 30th, I need you to choose her dress! I've given you plenty of options in this update, so all you have to do is comment on the one you prefer. The one with the most comments wins. 

Bare in mind that Echo will be more 'Keira' than the crazy girl we know and absolutely love! The dresses I've chosen reflects this. Happy picking!

Sarah, xx


"Red, blue or green?"

"For what?"

"For the flag that I'm going to use to take over the world."




"No, no, Daniel. The word is 'pardon' not 'huh.' I'm pretty sure that's what you always told me back in the early days."

"Ok. Pardon?"

"I'm torn between a few dresses for Echo to wear to this party thingymajiggy on Saturday and I have no idea which to go for. So, you'll have to choose!"

"You do know how utterly ridiculous that sounds, don't you?"

"Yes, but Echo already hates you so it wouldn't matter if you chose a horrible dress for her to wear because she can't hate you any less than she already does. I, on the other hand, can be hated less and I'm not so adept at being in Echo's bad books, so... you see my predicament, don't you?"

"You want me to be your fall guy?"

"Basically, yeah."

"Ok, well, send me a few photos and then I'll choose."

"Excellent idea. Here's the first."

"Apart from the extremely high split at the front, it's rather age appropriate

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"Apart from the extremely high split at the front, it's rather age appropriate."

"Mhm. The model I used has roughly the same measurements as Echo, so it'll suit. Here's the second."


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"Hello?" Pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now