July 31st 2016

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"I had a phone call today."


"From Vogue magazine."

"Vogue was calling you on a Sunday? Fashion really is a twenty-four-seven business. What did they want?"

"They wanted to invite me to a luncheon next Sunday for the launch of the September issue because your article about me will feature in it."

"Wait a second! Where was my invite?"

"That's why I'm calling. I told them not to ask you because I wanted to ask you. Sophie Clément, will you do me the honour of coming to the launch luncheon with me on Sunday?"


"Or not."

"No, I'd love to come. I'm just trying to work out how we'll get back from Ireland in time."

"Ah, a clash of commitments."

"I think we can do it. Let me just check flight times."


"Ok, there's an Aer Lingus flight that will get us back by five past eight on Sunday morning. That will give us enough time to go home, get changed and go to the launch. Done. Shall I book them?"

"Sure. You still have my passport details, right?"

"Somewhere. I'm sure Jasmine can point me in the right direction."

"Jasmine? Sophie, are you in work right now?"

"Nope, I'm at home. Jasmine's here, though. We're putting the world to rights."

"To rights? About what?"


"Sounds dangerous."

"Only if you've done something to piss us off. For the time being, you're ok."

"The fact that you said, 'for the time being,' puts me on edge."


"Anyway, you know on Sunday that there'll be a lot of people at this launch."

"Your point?"

"It'll be our first public outing as an engaged couple."

"Oh, darling... it's cute that you think that."


"Whoa, you really are turning into me when you say that instead of 'pardon.' I mean, on Saturday, the party to mark my grandparents' anniversary? It's going to be a huge society thing in Dublin. Anyone who is anyone is going to be and there will be photographers to capture every moment. No doubt, someone will let slip that you and I are engaged. By the time we make it to the launch on Sunday, it'll be the number one gossip on everyone's lips."

"Well, that saves us from having to announce it to everyone. Oh, seeing as Jasmine is there with you, ask her to come to the launch too. Samuel will be there, so it makes  sense for her to come, too."

"-Daniel's asking if you want to go to the Vogue launch for the September edition.-"

<<Yeah, sure, why not. I have nothing better to do next Sunday.>>

"I feel so honoured."

"-He says, 'can't wait to see you.'-"

<<We both know that's bullshit.>>


"Will you two ever get along?"

"No." <<No.>>

"That's freaky. Anyone else coming on Sunday, Daniel?"

"Connie, Evelyn, Alistair, Elias and Jenna."

"Family outing."


"Well, I can't wait. It'll be nice to see them all again."

"Mhm. Connie keeps asking after you."

"Shit, I've been meaning to call her for a while. I'll ring tomorrow to see how she is."

"She'll like that."

"Of course, she will. What's not to like about talking to me?"


"That wasn't intended to be a rhetoric question, but ok."

"Oh, sorry."

<<Will you two stop being disgustingly loved up? Get off the phone, drink more wine and let's talk about Hiddleswift.>>

"Daniel? I have to go. There's wine at stake."

"Ok, but first- what's a Hiddleswift?"

"It's Tom Hiddleston and Taylor Swift."

"Ah. I thought you liked Tom Hiddleston?"

"I used to. Now... not so much. It's hard to find a bloke attractive once he's dated Taylor Swift."


"Told you that we were putting the world to rights."

"Please, that's just an excuse to drink wine and gossip."

"I cannot deny that."

"I bet. Anyway, off you go to drink and gossip. I'll speak to you tomorrow."

"Cool beans. I love you."

<<Urgh, you two disgust me.>>

"I love you too, Soph."

"Bye, babe."

"Later, 'gator."

&quot;Hello?&quot; Pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now