"Henry Daniel-"
"Soph, I don't have time for your rant right now!"
"Want a-"
"They kidnapped me!"
"Very funny, Daniel."
"They kidnapped me, Sophie!"
"Who, the aliens?"
"The guys!"
"What guys? Did men in white coats come and take you away?"
"Sophie, concentrate!"
"No, you concentrate. Mainly on the words that are about to pass my lips. You have had me worried for almost forty-eight hours and in that time, I haven't heard from you once! Do you know what that did to me? Do you understand how worried I was? No, probably not!"
"I'm sure you were very worried, Soph, but... those arseholes kidnapped me!"
"Ok, let's entertain your story. What's happening?"
"Is he ok? We've all been really worried about him. Last any of us heard, you were rushing off to see if he was ok. Is he?"
"He's fine. Apart from the fact that I'm going to kill him once they let me take off this Sumo outfit they forced me into!"
"Ok, now I'm confused. Samuel is ok?"
"He's fine! Concentrate on me!"
"What about you?"
"I was kidnapped!"
"No. At the very least you were adultnapped."
"Fine, I was adultnapped. By my brother and best friends!"
<<Hey, bro, are you on the phone! We said no phones, Danny! Oi, give me the phone. Daniel, give it to me!>>
"Sophie, help me!"
<<Guys, he's on the phone to Sophie! Daniel, hang up right now. If you don't we'll... dress you as a chicken!>>
"I am so confused. Did they really kidnap you? Why?"
"Stag party!"
"Bit early."
<<Daniel! Off the fucking phone!>>
"-Back off, Samuel!- Sophie, I'm at a hotel called The-"
<<-Hello? Sophie? It's Sam.->>
"Hello, Sammy. What's going on?"
<<-We've temporarily, um, abducted Daniel. For an early stag party. So, you're cool with that, right?->>
"Yeah, why not? Just as long as you don't shave his hair off, make him get a tattoo, or tie him naked to a... God, I'm giving you ideas."
<<-And they're all really very good ideas. I think we may take some of them on board.->>
"Where are you all?"
"When are you back?"
"Am I allowed to know anything about any of this?"
<<-... No.->>
"Fine. But just so you know, if Daniel isn't back in London by Saturday, I'll hunt you down- you, Elias, Michael and Fletch- and I will kill you all painfully slow. Am I understood?"
<<-Understood. Just out of interest, why do you need Danny back by Saturday?->>
"Because, Sammy, you and Jasmine are supposed to be meeting Daniel and I for dinner."
<<-Shit, that's this Saturday and not next Saturday?->>
"Yes, Sam, it is. So, please make sure you're back by then. I'd hate to have to bail Jasmine out of prison for murder."
<<-Yeah, ok, we can do that.->>
"Great. Well, you all have fun. See you Saturday!"
<<-Cool. Thanks, Soph.->>
"-What's going on? What did she say?- Sophie, what did you say?! -God, what the living fuck is that outfit? No, do not come closer! No! That's it, you're all disinvited from the wedding! Elias, I am totally having Jenna as my best man! No! Sophie!"
"Haha, this is hilarious. Hey, Sam? Make sure you take plenty of videos and pictures, ok? I can't wait to see what you're torturing him with! Enjoy!"
<<-Will do, Soph. Bye!->>

"Hello?" Pt. 2
KurzgeschichtenPart 2 of "Hello" For Part 1: https://www.wattpad.com/story/58655676-hello-wattys2016 All covers for "Hello" stories made by @Hipster_Rain Sophie Delaney was just minding her own business seeing in the new year from the peacefulness of her own...