September 1st 2016

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"Do you think she's pregnant?"



"I bloody hope not. Jasmine should not procreate. Neither should my brother, for that matter."

"There is that, but it would make sense, wouldn't it?"

"Jasmine being pregnant would make sense about what?"

"How they got engaged so quick."

"Are you pregnant?"

"No. Are you?"

"No, but we got engaged rather quickly and neither of us is knocked up."

"Yes, but we're not talking about us. We're talking about them."

"The difference being?"

"Um, we're in love and they're not."

"Pretty sure that Samuel's in love with Jasmine. Are you trying to say that you think Jasmine isn't in love with Samuel?"

"It's always hard to tell with Jasmine. She's always just so angry about everything so I don't always know when she's happy. Have you ever seen that woman crack a smile? I haven't."

"You may want to ask Samuel to send you a photo of them two together, then. She looks pretty happy in them. She even smiles."

"So, you don't think she's pregnant?"

"Surprisingly, Samuel is rather traditional. I highly doubt he'll get someone pregnant before they're married. I think, underneath it all, he simply craves that family unit we never had as children. Not that he should have any offspring. Imagine mini Samuel's running around!"

"I think that would be cute. I can imagine little Jamuels being adorable."

"Please, never call them Jamuel again."

"So, we can be Danphie, but they can't be Jamuel?"


"Double standards much?"

"Don't particularly care. Jamuel is a stupid name anyway."

"And Danphie would be, what, exactly?"

"Danphie is sacred. Do not hate on the Danphie."

"I have no idea what to say in response to that, apart from this- did you ever hit your head as a child?"

"Not that I'm aware."

"Maybe you hit it so hard that you developed amnesia and can't remember it ever happening."

"Hold on- Evie, did I ever hit my head as a kid?-"

<<Not from the age of eleven and up. Before that, who knows.>>

"Evie says that I didn't."

"She also said that before the age of eleven, you could have hit your head. So, really you proved nothing."

"Why do women always gang up on me?!"

<<So that you'll always know your place in the world.>>

"-Beneath women?-"

<<I don't need to know about yours and Sophie's sexual exploits, baby brother.>>

"-I'm not your baby brother. I'm your younger brother. Samuel is the baby. And, for your information, Sophie isn't always on top.-"

"I don't think Evie needs to know that."

<<I don't need to know that! For crying out loud, Daniel, keep some secrets solely in the bedroom.>>

"I agree with Evie."

"You would, Soph. You women always stick together."

"It's the Sisterhood."

"Well, with Evie, it should be all about the Siblinghood."

<<No, it's the Sisterhood. Listen to your fiancée. She speaks more sense than anything you ever say.>>

"You should listen to Evie."

"I'm not listening to either of you anymore. -Evie, thank you for such a lovely evening. I'll see you in the morning. Love you, Ev.- Sophie, I love you, but I'm hanging up now. I'll call you tomorrow. Good night."


"I'm jumping in the car now. Can't drive and be on the phone. So, good night, Sophie."

"Fine. Night."

"Sophie, don't be in a mood, now."

"Yeah, yeah. Ok. I love you, too."

"There we are. That wasn't so hard, now, was it?"


"Good. Later, 'gator."

"Soon, baboon."

&quot;Hello?&quot; Pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now