September 24th 2016

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"Where'd you go? You were here one second and then you were gone."

"I ran away."

"Well, yeah, I kinda guessed that. Where did you run away to?"

"I'd rather not say."

"Why not?"

"Because... I have a stalker and they might follow you if I told you where I am."

"Seriously? Look, I know you think you're irresistible;e to everyone and I'd hate to be the one to burst that bubble you delusionally live in-"

"But you're going to do it anyway."

"I am. Daniel, you are not that irresistible."

"Liar, liar, pants on fire."

"Where are you? Elias is looking for you."

"Then tell him to call me and I'll gladly tell him where I am."


"Ok, ok... you don't have to shout. I'm in that quiet room just off from the bar, where the baby grand piano is."

"Thank you."

"Just don't bring that scary woman with you."

"The scary woman?"

"Mhm, the one that thinks she's a leopard."

"A leopard?"

"Why else is she dressed as one? Do you think it's some sort of galeanthropy, but with leopards?"

"I think it's more of a fashion statement rather than a mental illness."

"Are you sure, because she seemed a few screw short of a full toolbox."

"I'd bet my life on it."

"Don't do that!"

"Do what?"

"Bet your life on it. What if you're wrong and then Satan comes to claim your soul or something?"

"Don't be dramatic, Daniel."

"I can't help it. I'm in Italy. Everything is dramatic here."


"Anyway, don't bring the scary leopard woman with you. I swear she tried to chat me up earlier and no matter how many times I subtly told her that I wasn't interested, she did not understand that I did not want her hands roaming and grasping either of my arse cheeks."

"She felt you up?"

"Sexual harassment works on men, too."

"I know."

"So, yeah, you and Elias and Jenna can come to my safe room, but not her. Whoever she is."

"Noted. I'm going to make a pitstop at the bar on the way. Want a drink?"

"Yes. Something strong."

"Pina Colada?"

"Stronger than that. Cosmopolitan?"

"Haha. I'll bring you a whiskey."

"Perfect. By the way, I thought Elias would have proposed to Jenna or something by now. Why hasn't he proposed?"

"How would I know?"

"Because you're the one that's masterminding the whole thing?"



"I plead the fifth."

"Once again, that does not work outside the USA."

"No comment?"


"Look, all I know is how Elias is going to propose. I don't know more than that, including the dates. So as much as I don't want to tell you anything about it all, I can't tell you about it all because I don't know anything!"

"Yeah, yeah... just bring me a double whiskey. And bring the bottle, too."

"Did coming to those fashion shows and meeting scary leopard woman drive you to alcoholism?"

"The fashion shows were tolerable. The woman was not. I need to drink myself into oblivion until it causes amnesia."

"In that case, a single whiskey and I'll leave the bottle at the bar."


"If you drink yourself into oblivion, I won't be able to act out those dirty dreams I had about you last night."

"Dirty dreams?"


"How dirty?"




"Huh... are you still stopping at the bar?"


"Grab a bottle of champagne and meet me up in the suite. Tell Elias and Jenna that they'll have to fend for themselves. We've got dirty, filthy, deprived dreams to act out."

"Haha... wait, are you serious?"

"As a heart attack. Now, hurry up, I'm at the lift already."

"You are?"

"Dirty dreams to act out, Soph. There is no time for dilly-dallying."

"Just a minute. -Champagne, per favore. Due flute. Grazie.- Ok, all done. I'll meet you at the lift in thirty seconds."


"I'm coming."

"Is that a promise, Miss Clément?"

"You have a dirty mind, Mr Whitaker."

"And it's getting dirtier by the second."

"Let's hope so."

"Miss Clément, are you trying to seduce me?"

"Not yet."

"I love it when you talk dirty to me."

"Then you're going to love me a whole lot tonight."

"Oh, I know I am."

"Hello?" Pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now