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As much as I love Daniel- and really, I love him to the ends of the word and back- spending an entire day with him at my workplace was not an experience I wanted to re-live any time soon. I should have known from his 'What could go wrong?' attitude this morning that practically everything could, indeed, go wrong. 

Having spent a great deal of the morning trying to persuade Daniel to stay at the house or go out and explore the city, I had finally given up and allowed Daniel to accompany me to the Vogue office. It was rather cute how excited he got about coming with me and seeing where I spent most of my time, although his insistence that he be the new Jasmine was quite worrisome. 

For the most part, I'd managed to keep Daniel busy by giving him task after task to occupy his mind. Even a trip down to wardrobe had proved a success, if only for the fact that Daniel had managed to do a lot of birthday present shopping for Jenna down there. Minus the painfully expensive price tag that usually came with a Fendi Peekaboo tote. The fact that he'd managed to pry a miniature Dolce and Gabbana clutch from the hands of a hard-nosed fashionista was quite impressive, too. Apparently, Nola would love the bright flower design that adorned the front of the box clutch and it would make a fabulous Christmas gift. 

"How much would this retail for, exactly?" Daniel asked as we rode the lift back to my floor. He held up the small clutch and examined it a little closer. "Two, three hundred pounds?"

I give him a small smile. "Add about a thousand pounds to that and then you're in the right ballpark."

"How much?!" He practically shouted as the lift doors dinged open on my floor. 

The woman behind the desk, Samantha, peered up from the computer and glared at Daniel, before her stern features softened at seeing me. Ignoring her, because she's a classic sycophant, I lead Daniel back through the winding corridors until we were finally back at my office. Knowing that I had quite a few e-mails to reply to, I turned on the computer and logged in on the system while Daniel reclined on the sofa that's in my office. He picked up the iPad that's on the coffee table and kept himself occupied while I worked.

He was quiet for almost five minutes when he let out a long sigh and dropped the tablet onto his lap. "It says here that we should have set a budget, created a guest list, booked a photographer and a videographer, hired the entertainment, caterers, and cars, as well as booked the honeymoon," he says, pointing at the iPad in front of him. "Oh, you also should have chosen your wedding dress. We should also have picked wedding invites, chosen a wedding cake, booked a honeymoon suite and taken out wedding insurance. Is wedding insurance even a thing?"

I blink at him. Shaking my head, I finish writing out my reply to Karl Lagerfeld, read through it carefully and then hit send before I turn back to Daniel, giving him my full attention. "What are you going on about now?"

"Wedding stuff," he says. Picking up the iPad, he turns it towards me, proudly showing me the Martha Stewart website he has up on screen. "I searched for a wedding planner because, by the time you get back to London, we'll only have two months to go. I saw your wedding magazines in the kitchen yesterday so I know you're already thinking about all this stuff, so I thought it was about time I started thinking about it too. Between the house and the fundraiser, I feel like the wedding is taking a backseat to it all when, really, it should be at the forefront of our minds."

Kicking off my Louboutin pumps, I leave my desk and take a seat next to Daniel on the sofa, curling my legs up underneath me while peering down at the web page that lit up from the screen. While it was true that I'd subscribed to Brides Magazine, I wasn't overly familiar with the ins and outs of planning a wedding. All I ever did with the magazines was look at the photos and think, 'Oh, that's pretty!' Knowing that there was an actual timeline to everything and that we had missed most of it was worrying, but then, I'd already covered the most important detail.

"Hello?" Pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now