So, it's been four weeks since Hello ended and it's been an adjustment! It's seriously strange not writing every day but I'm slowly getting used to it- my sleeping pattern is still recovering but the rest of my life is kinda doing ok. Flynn no longer has to give me six weeks notice of dates/parties/outings!
Since it's ended, one of my friends who read every update has been badgering me about facts to do with the story and what was going on as I writing. So far, I've avoided answering but now that I think about it, I'll give it a go...
1. I started writing this story when I was under the influence of several bottles of wine and trying to get to sleep in my best friend's guest bedroom last New Year's Eve/Day.
2. Hello is an amalgamation of several of my ideas... the earliest version of Hello was called Convenience which was about a lawyer (Jack) who was dumped on New Year's Eve when he didn't propose to his girlfriend and the girl (Ella) that he met that night who didn't receive a proposal. Man rescues Girl. Man and Girl come up with a crazy idea to marry each other for 1 year. Man and Girl break up after 1 year (as planned). Man and Girl regret it instantly. Man and Girl live happily ever after. (Ship name- Jella.)
3. Daniel was originally going to be called Isaac. I changed it as I wrote the first chapter as I couldn't spell Isaac correctly while drunk. Daniel seemed better. It stuck.
4. Originally, Daniel and Sophie weren't going to end up together and for the longest time, that's how it was headed. He was supposed to marry someone else and Sophie would have a 'speak now' moment at the wedding. Then there'd be a cliffhanger ending and we'd never know who Daniel chose. The fiancée that never happened was going to be a woman from Daniel's dog walking group- that fizzled out quite quickly.
5. Finding a ship name for Daniel and Sophie was really hard! Saniel and Dophie were early contenders but then Danphie happened! Never looked back after that.
6. The chapter that featured Emma's wedding took about 12 hours to write. There were frequent tea breaks, a lot of biscuits consumed and very little socialising that day.
7. Most of the outfits featured for Sophie came from and later from
8. Making Sophie half-French was a spur of the moment decision and I kinda regret it.
9. If the updates were short, it's because it was nearing midnight and I was running out of time to publish!
10. My favourite character in the whole of the story is... undecided. I can come up with a top 10, though.
11. My favourite update is the Danphie wedding.
12. Daniel and Sophie's wedding vows were a mix of what I wrote and what Leo Christopher wrote. Leo Christopher is a poet and has accounts on Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest. Check him out- he's amazing.
13. My favourite song from 2016 was Landmine by Augustines.
14. Best moment of 2016? Seeing Augustines live! And then they broke up later in the year. Sad moment.
15. I cried a lot while writing the Danphie wedding update. And I never cry. But that was an end of an era and I think that deserved some show of emotion from the most emotionless person alive.
16. A lot of the information in the story is pointless. Sophie had a relationship with a man that was married (she didn't know and broke it off as soon as she did know) but I cannot remember the guy's name at all! Was it Adrain something? Seems familiar.
17. Jasmine and Sophie were never supposed to fall out but Jasmine's hostility towards Daniel was a deal breaker. If she was going to be that mean to him constantly, she and Sophie couldn't stay friends.
18. I went through three different actors/models before I found my version of Daniel. Joshua Sasse was the eventual pick, although I know a lot of you would have your own actor/model/singer etc. in mind for him. That's cool.
19. Karla Souza was always Sophie. No doubt in my mind.
20. The readers were the best thing about writing Hello. Your support throughout the year was what kept me going and I never wanted to disappoint you! I hope you liked everything I wrote. I was too upset to write a final A/N after the last update but I tried to reply to your comments as much as I could. You're the best readers out there in the Wattpad universe and I am honoured that I got to know you all, laugh along with you to the silly stuff the characters did, and cry with you as the story came to the end. You all rock!
For one last time on this story,
Thank you, I love you, You're all amazing!
Sarah, xx

"Hello?" Pt. 2
Short StoryPart 2 of "Hello" For Part 1: All covers for "Hello" stories made by @Hipster_Rain Sophie Delaney was just minding her own business seeing in the new year from the peacefulness of her own...