The Courtenay Foundation

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"Do you think I should talk to them about it?" I asked Sophie as she helped straighten my bowtie. She looked up at me from under her heavily made-up eyes and stared at me. "I definitely think I should talk to them about it."

Last night, I had come to realise why Sophie had been so reluctant to allow Keira and Logan stay with us. And I had a deeper respect for Harlow's no sex before marriage theory. The two horny teenagers had been at it all night, keeping me awake until the early hours of this morning when the headboard of the guest bedroom finally stopped banging against the wall. It had been the most awkward experience of my life; even more so than when I walked in on my brother screwing my then-girlfriend.

Sophie, however, managed to sleep through the... event. Honestly, that woman could sleep through an earthquake. I , meanwhile, tossed and turned all night and barely got any shut-eye at all. No wonder I looked like a zombie when I finally managed to drag my sorry self out of bed this morning. 

"Do you seriously want to have the sex talk with Keira?" Sophie asked, her attention fixated on getting the bowtie to sit perfectly around my neck. When she was finally happy, she turned down the stiff collar of my dress shirt and took a step back to admire the tuxedo I'd been forced to don for this evening's gala fundraiser. "You look very dapper, Mr Whitaker."

"Thank you," I said, stifling a smile. It was always strangely ego-boosting when Sophie complimented me and I felt like I was finally 'good enough' to be the one accompanying Sophie to something ass prestigious as this evening was going to be. Still, there was still another thing niggling in my mind. "You don't think I should talk to them about last night?"

Sophie shrugged her shoulders. "That's up to you, but just know that Keira will tear you to shreds if you do. That girl may be young, but she's lethal. Plus, you're older than she is so her thinking is that you've probably been there and done exactly the same as what she was doing, so it'll be very hypocritical of you to lecture her about it. Keira will turn it against you and any high ground you had before, will disappear. Be careful before you fall down that rabbit hole, ok?"

Groaning, I lean back against the doorframe and watch as Sophie skillfully flits around the room, getting herself ready to slip into the top-secret gown that had been under lock and key in one of the wardrobes. She was insisting that we arrive at the gala separately, just so I could be awed by the dress she'll be wearing, but I was slightly disappointed as this was our chance to make a grand entrance- yes, people knew that we were engaged now, but this was the first big event that we were hosting together and I wanted to be the one with the smug yet proud smile on his face as I escorted Sophie into the museum.

"You know, I don't mind sticking around and waiting for you to get dressed," I offer, hoping that some last minute persuasion might win Sophie over. From the way she grabbed a hold of my hand and ushered me to the bedroom door, throwing me out, I assumed that there was no swaying her on this matter. Then she slammed the door in my face. "I'll just meet you there, shall I?"

"You do that!" Sophie shouted from inside the bedroom before I heard the lock turn and click shut. "And remember to think hard about it before you talk to Keira!"

Just hearing that little devil's name was enough to give me a headache. Ever since she had arrived yesterday, she's been giving me a migraine. Sophie's idea of taking her to Charlotte's shop was a huge failure. Logan didn't mind it so much; in fact, he gorged on practically everything Charlotte served up. When I asked if Keira had a dress for tonight, she rolled her eyes and said that while she didn't have a dress, she had an outfit. That statement alone was enough to make me wish we'd never invited her. Thankfully, Logan assured me that Keira was only joking, or so he hoped. 

"Hello?" Pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now