October 24th 2016

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"I know you think making me spend the day with the wedding planner is some sort of sadistic punishment, but I must say, I'm really enjoying this!"

"Glad to hear it."

"Wait, so this isn't a punishment?"

"Not particularly."

"Then why am I here and not you?"

"Because if I was to go, then it would be a punishment. Mainly for me. I'm no good at organising things and making decisions."

"So this is some sort of treat for me, huh?"

"Yeah, why not."

"Ok, so here's what we've decided on so far and be prepared because some things might have changed from when we last spoke about the wedding. We now have a colour scheme. It's navy and blush with some gold details in the evening. We've designed the invites so all we need to do now is confirm the guest list. Once that's done, we can get to work on the seating arrangement. We're having a paper floral backdrop in the church because of your allergies. At the reception, we're going to have lots of sparkly stuff, including some sparklers because we're ending the shindig with fireworks. Uh, what else? We're having a three tier wedding cake. The bottom tier will be red velvet, the middle is champagne, and the top is vanilla. I hope Charlotte is still ok to make the cake. Are you planning on writing your own vows or are we going traditional?"


"Because I think we should write our own, have them printed on a backdrop and have them placed around the reception venue, just to remind everyone of the promises we made each other. What do you think?"

"I think you're better with words than I am."

"But you're willing to try, right?"


"You have an English degree from Oxford."


"You can write things. You just need time to find the right words."

"I'm not sure how having an English degree means that I'm programmed to write some half-decent vows, but ok. I'll write some vows and see how it goes but-"

"There's always a but."

"I want to go first. When we say our vows, I want to go first. If you go first, I know I'm going to dissolve into tears and then blub through my vows and then it'll all be downhill from there!"

"Deal! So, I can say ok to the backdrop vow thingy?"

"Yeah, why not."

"-Sophie says we can do that.- Hey, Soph, when will we have our guest list drawn up? Are we going small and intimate or big and loud?"

"Small. Or as small as we can with my family."

"Ballpark number?"

"How many people could we fit in the church?"

"Comfortably? Fifty. Uncomfortably? Fifty-two. It's a tiny church."

"Ok, so maximum fifty in the day. In the night... um, how big could we go?"

"The orangery can hold about a hundred and fifty."

"Comfortably or uncomfortably?"

"Ha bloody ha. Are we saying fifty in the day and a hundred and fifty in the night?"


"-Ok, fifty in the ceremony and another hundred for the reception.- Are we inviting kids?"

"Hello?" Pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now