We're Both Adults

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"Where do you want this?" Jay asked holding the overflowing box of towels from his apartment, the box he had promised to take care of a few days ago.

Erin grunted, "just put it in my bedroom" she replied, too busy trying to arrange the vegetable and fruit trays, suddenly questioning her sanity at having every one over so soon after moving in to the new place.

"Our" Jay corrected her as he stomped down the hallway.

Erin cursed herself as she chased after him, grabbing his hips and pressing her body into his back, she stood on her toes to whisper in his ear, "our bedroom...I'm sorry..I'm just feeling a little stressed" she admitted, she wasn't the most domesticated woman around and was feeling seriously insecure.

"Babe, they're our friends. They aren't expecting much..just a good time" he cupped her cheek in his hand, "and once they're gone...I just might be expecting a good time...I think it's time we christened the guest room" he kissed the tip of her nose, "just relax..we're gonna have a good night"

"You wish!" Erin laughed, loving the fact that he always knew just what to say to make her laugh, "Just in case I don't tell you enough...I love you Jay" she wrapped her arms around his waist and tucked her head under his chin.

"As you should...I'm quite the catch" he smirked, "I love you too baby"

The entire ride up in the elevator Kim's gut was telling her she was making a massive mistake, that she'd be better off at home. She just couldn't kick Erin or her sister Joy's voice from her head, both screaming that she needed to go out.

As her stomach churned she knew it was too late now and she would have to make the best of it.

"Come on man" Kevin rocked on his heels, "let's go!"

Adam ran his fingers through his wet hair, "why're you so quick to get there?" He quizzed as he tied his sneakers, the only positive was he had convinced Kevin to be the designated driver and he was gonna get after it...drink until he was numb. He knew it was like putting a band aid on a bullet wound but that didn't matter now..he'd worry about that tomorrow but tonight he just want to free his mind of Kim Burgess.

Jack Daniels would do just that.

"I'm in it for the honeys" Kevin smirked.

"Yay!! I'm so glad you came" Erin squealed as she pulled Kim into the small foyer, "it's just Jay's brother and some of his hospital friends and I feel so out of place" she hated feeling so insecure, she had thought her insecurities were in the past. Since getting serious with Jay they returned with a vengeance she didn't feel worth of a man like Jay and she still found her pinching herself daily.

Terrified that she'd wake up.

"I almost stayed home..but I had these two tiny voices chirping in my ear...so here I am" Kim laughed nervously.

"Was it my voice?" Erin arched an eyebrow.

"Yes." She laughed, "and Joy's, I felt a little ganged up on to be honest"

"I knew I liked your sister" Erin smiled, looping her arm around Kim, "let's get you a drink"

Jay smiled at Erin from across the room, he had stopped listening to his brother once the topic of conversation had seamlessly drifted from the Ebola outbreak of a few years ago to the Zika virus. Jay was pretty sure his brother had said 'outbreak du jour' he was bored out of his mind, he winked at Erin.

"He's such a dork" Erin laughed.

"Who?" Kim asked as she poured herself a glass of wine.

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