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"Up, dada, up!" Elena screamed from her crib, Kim had returned to work in a limited capacity as Adam still wasn't completely recovered.

His leg had required a second surgery after the hardware they had used to repair the break in his tibia had failed. Kim often reminded him that it had to do with the fact that Adam did not follow the doctor orders of 'non weight bearing'.

She often found Adam limping around and putting weight on  the toes of his left leg.

"Jesus Adam!" Kim hollered when she watched him chase Elena around the living room hopping on his right leg and occasionally placing weight on his left leg, "You're not supposed to put weight on that leg Adam!" She scolded him.

"Come on, it's fine. It doesn't hurt...see?" He replied as he put his left foot down as best he could and placed most of his body weight on it, going as far as lifting his right leg a few inches off the ground, "doesn't hurt at all. I need to play with my girl..Kim"

"Yea...I know. You can play with her without defying the doctors orders, Adam" she pursed her lips and returned to the kitchen to clean up the mess from dinner.

"Don't be mad!" Adam yelled from the living room, "I promise I'm fine. My leg is good"

She shook her had at the memory, it was just a few days later that they both heard an audible snap and Adam fell in excruciating pain, his leg had broken again.  They had gone into the district to visit with everyone, when Adam decided to show off how much he had healed. That he was healing faster than the doctors had anticipated, that he'd be back at work soon.

It was then the bone snapped, and Adam was devastated.

He ended up in surgery the next morning and was threatened with a cast from hip to toes if he didn't follow orders to the 'T', he vowed he would.

So far he had, and they both could see a light at the end of the tunnel.

Adam leant on the crutch and hobbled towards the crib, "Ellie-Bellie...did you have a good nap?" He braced himself against the side of the crib and lifted the fifteen month old out of the crib and set her on her feet.

She took off like a bat out of hell.

Yep, she was totally Adam Ruzek's little girl.

He did his best to chase after the tiny tornado, he'd been moved from a cast to a heavy duty walking boot which he hated more than the cast. It was bulky and heavy, at least the cast had been light. Plus, he hated that fact that he still needed a crutch, but as Kim often reminded him he could take it off to shower it and he didn't have to wear it when he slept. She also pointed out that sex was a lot better without the awkwardness of the cast it silenced his whining fairly quickly.

"Slow down Ellie-Mae!" He called out to her laughing as she looked back over her shoulder at him and grinned before running even faster. She still resembled the town drunk when she ran and as usual she toppled over and landed on her belly.

"Oh...ouch! Honey, c'mon get up" he held his hand out to her, "not to add salt to the wound kiddo...but that's a natural consequence...it's why daddy said to slow down" he rubbed her tummy, "you're alright, aren't you? You're my tough little lady" he scooped her up and she immediately set her head on his shoulder.

"Owie" she whined, "Eddie owie"

He had to laugh, she had started referring to herself in the third person and when she said her name it was 'Eddie'.

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