We Hurt Each Other

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Erin returned to the still silent crowd, "Show's over" she told them, it didn't take long for them all to return to their individual conversations and Erin was relieved.

"Everything alright?" Jay asked her.

She hugged him, "I sure hope so" she released him and leant against the counter, "they're in the guest room, at least they've got some privacy"

Kim closed the door as Adam entered the room, the room was far from small but Kim felt as if the walls were closing in on here and she could feel a line of sweat beading near her hairline, "What do you wanna talk about?" She folded her arms, her body language screaming to him that she was already on the defensive.

Adam paced the length of the room, "Did you really just ask that?"

"Yea.I did." Kim replied, "I'm pretty sure there is nothing to talk about"

"What the fuck does that mean?"

Kim sucked her teeth, "It's done...we're done"

Adam pounded his palm on the dresser, "You called the wedding off..you pinned it on me...said I didn't want to be on the hook..then you walked out of my life" he traced his finger along the wood of the dresser, "no explanation..nothing that would lead me to believe you had been unhappy"

"That dinner! We talked about it for weeks..you told me time and time again that your dad was coming...then the night were supposed to meet my mom..your dad bails!"

Adam squatted in frustration before returning to his full height, "That was enough to end our relationship?? He had fucking violence reduction...he couldn't turn down the OT...he's not like your parents!" He screamed, taking a pot shot at her wealthy parents.

Kim shook her head in disgust, "You wasted no time, your dad blowing it off was just an excuse for you to do the same! You didn't want to meet my mother! Did you?"

"Sure I did! I just didn't want to do dinner..is that a fucking crime?" Adam glared at her.

"No but it's so you! You'd rather get shitfaced with your buddies than plan our wedding or meet my mother" she felt the rage come alive inside her.

"You're unbelievable do you know that?" He wagged his finger at her, "you keep saying I didn't want to be on the hook...but you're the one who pushed the wedding back...then told me not worry about it when I was suspended" he had been devastated that day in the locker room when she suggested pushing the wedding back, but if that was what she wanted he'd do it.

He would've done anything for her.

Would have.

"I had to do it all alone!" Kim cried out, she had been the one to make all the wedding related decisions, "you couldn't be bothered...unless of course it was your bachelor party..am I right? You had that all planned out..."

Adam knew the conversation was going nowhere and he was done, "Fuck this! You can try to pin this on me...tell everyone I fucked up...but we both know who that was" he scowled and got in her face, "it was you...you didn't want to be on the hook" he threw her own words in his face, "that much was clear when you started parading Roman around"

"It had nothing to do with Sean! It was your inability to commit!"

"Well..I'm glad I couldn't commit...because you're nothing but a two bit whore" the venom in his voice broke her heart more than his words did. "You fucking your new partner? Is that how you break 'em in?"

"You bastard!" She screamed as she reached up and slapped him across the face.

He ran his palm across his cheek, "Was it worth it?"

"Screw you!" Kim pushed against his chest and moved to leave the room.

Adam reached out and curled his fingers around her waist and tugged her against him, a look of terror in her eyes. He moved his hand to her face, his thumb lightly brushing against her lips.

It was if he was a puppet on a string and someone was controlling him, he soon found his lips against her's and he was kissing her as if his life depended on it. His hands dropped to her hips.

She couldn't fight against him, she wanted him. She tangled her fingers in his hair, pulling him closer, she needed him.

They pulled apart briefly, each hoping the other one would slam on the brakes but it never happened Adam lifted her in his arms and sat her on the dresser. She worked furiously to pull his shirt off and let it fall to the floor. She tugged her own top over her head as Adam worked to remove her skirt.

"Should we check on them?" Jay asked as he poked his head into the hallway, "it's been a while"

Erin chewed on the corner of her lip, "No..I told Kim if she needed me to just call" she explained.

"Oh my god" Kim mumbled as she grabbed her clothes off the floor and quickly dressed, she couldn't believe what had just transpired. They'd gone from furious with each other to being unable to keep their hands and lips off each other.

"Kim.." Adam pulled his jeans on, "look.."

Kim silenced him, "Stop. This shouldn't have happened..I need to get out of here" she grabbed her shoes and hurried out the door.

"Here she comes" Kevin whispered, "I don't think she's okay"

Erin set her drink on the table, "I'll talk to her"

"Hey..Kim, stop. Are you okay?" Erin asked.

Kim shook her head, "No..I'm not. I need to go..I never should've come here"'she knew she should've listened to her gut.

Erin could help but noticed Kim's disheveled appearance and her shoes in her hand, "did something happen..did he hurt you?"

Kim dropped her shoes to the floor and slipped her feet into the, "we hurt each other"


I'm going to be completely honest with you...this isn't a great chapter. It's just an important one, the next few chapters are gonna be exciting.

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