It's Just Hard...To Let Them Go

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Adam had cleaned off a spot on the one piece of furniture in Kim's apartment that was left untouched, "Kim, come sit down" he practically ordered her, "let me worry about the mess" he could see it written all over her face.

She was a clean freak probably the world's biggest clean freak, he knew she was a itching to clean up. Not only to soothe her own compulsion but because it had left her shaken.

"I need to clean up, Adam. It's a mess" she told him, the baby had drifted off to sleep after being nursed and now her hands were idle and her skin crawling. She needed to be moving, otherwise she was certain she'd be in tears. It was bad enough they had destroyed her living room, but they had desecrated her daughter's nursery. The graffiti on the walls left her feeling sick, and heartbroken...she didn't know how anyone could say such a thing about a sweet little baby.

Her baby.

Her heart.

Her world.

She grabbed a black garbage bag from under the kitchen sink and started to pick up the broken knick knacks off the floor, fighting the urge to cry.

Adam stilled her, "Kim..stop!" He grabbed her wrist, "you can't's evidence. The team should be here any minute, come on. Come sit down. You don't need to be dealing with this just had a baby a week ago" he kneeled down beside her as she sat down, he could see it written all over her face, "please don't's gonna be okay."

Kim nodded, "I know. It's just the things they's disgusting." The tears tumbling down her cheeks, "who would do this to me, Adam...who?"

Adam shrugged, "I don't know..but I will find whoever it is, and they'll can count on it"

They heard Kevin's booming voice as he approached, the rest of the unit on his heels. As soon as Adam had called it in, everything they'd been working was tabled.

This was priority number one, someone had went after a member of their family.

"Ruzek, Burgess" Kevin quickly hugged Adam and was at Kim's side in mere seconds, "Come on girl..don't let this bring you down" he hugged her tight, "we got you..let me see baby girl" he knew he needed her focused on something good, "she's beautiful Kim" he took Elena's tiny hand in his, "you did good"

Adam found Hank and Al huddled in the nursery, "What are you thinking?" Adam asked them, his hands jammed in his pocket. The rage he felt standing in his daughter's destroyed bedroom was hard to calm, "we need to find the person who did this"

"We will Adam, you need to let us handle it" Al looked at Hank quickly before turning his attention back on Adam.


"Just hear us out, Adam." Al knew what Hank was going to say would only further enrage Adam.

Adam glared at his superiors, "Okay?!"

Hank took a deep breath and took one final glance around the room, the stench of the urine finally beginning to dissipate, "Tell me about Kim and Sean Roman" he knew that up until just a short time ago Sean had been living with Kim.

Adam went to the window and looked out on the city, "I may not be the best person to ask.." He turned back to face them, "You'd have to ask Kim" Roman was the last person he wanted to discuss, "you think he'd do this?"

Adam hated the man, but he couldn't see Sean doing this, not to Kim.

Hank wasn't sure what to think, "Honestly? I have no idea...but this seems personal. I need to know that your head is on straight, kid."

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