Either Over Qualified or Too Broken

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Kim had been relieved to find one of the 'expectant mothers' parking spots available, the medical building was massive and the first six spots at the front of the lot were a hot commodity. She was certain it wasn't used exclusively by expectant moms, that anyone who happened to find an empty spot would park in it.

The last two months had been stressful, it wasn't long after she told Adam about the pregnancy that she was served with papers from his attorney. He had demanded that he be included in all of her pre-natal care and wanted to be present at every single appointment, her attorney told her she could fight him on it. That as of now it was he wasn't privy to her medical information, he was only privy to that of the baby.

She wanted to keep it as amicable as possible and if that meant allowing him to sit in on her appointments, so be it.

As she pushed the door open, she spotted him right away.

"Sorry...I was almost out the door and I had to go back in to pee" she blushed, she waddled in, her belly had popped practically overnight and there was no denying that she was pregnant.

He rose from his chair, "sit down..I will sign you in" he guided her into the chair, and once she was seated he went and signed her in.

She flipped through the pages of a Parents magazine, "How's work?" She asked him when he returned and took the seat next to her, "I haven't caught up with Erin in forever..you guys slammed?" at first even conversation between them had been a struggle but with each appointment the struggle lessened. It was almost like old times..almost. So much had happened and they both had changed, she knew they'd never be the same again.

Adam leaned back and rested his head against the wall he closed his eyes as he spoke, "Yea..it's pretty much balls to the wall the last few weeks. The commander is on Voight's ass...you know how it gets. It took an act of God for him to let me out for this...and by God..I mean Platt" he smirked, "what about you?"

Kim smiled, "I'm good...fat but good"

"You're not fat" he shook his head as he hunched over in the chair, "you going out of your mind yet?" He knew that she hated being at a desk, that she craved the adrenaline rush that being on patrol had given her.

Kim tilted her head to the side and ran her hand down her stomach, "A little stir crazy but I can't really complain" she had been transferred to the Ivory tower until she would take her maternity leave, "paperwork, it makes my eyes cross" she flinched a little. "Oh.."

"Something wrong?"

Kim smiled, the baby was pretty active and she had just received a fairly strong kick, "The baby just kicked..I'm thinking this little one will love soccer..it's always kicking"

Adam smiled before glancing down at his feet and back at her, "You don't mind....maybe it would be alright if I could.." He stammered, "maybe I could feel it?"

Kim felt as if someone had reached inside her chest and was squeezing the life out of her with their bare hands, "yes...of course..you can" she whispered.

Slowly he lifted his hand and set it on her belly, laughing out loud when he felt the first of a flurry of kicks, "Wow..that's wild" his eyes lit up, the light was back in his eyes. He looked genuinely happy, she couldn't remember the last time she saw that look in his eyes. She was surprised by how much she had missed it, how much she missed him.

"It's crazy" she watched him as his eyes remained trained on her stomach, she could feel  his fingers running over her belly, his touch was as sweet as she remembered, the heat from his hand permeated through the thin cotton shirt she was wearing, "you know we can find out what it is"

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